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Anthony “Bud” Rock, a veteran U.S. diplomat, provided participants in the AAAS-TWAS science diplomacy course a vivid way think about S&T cooperation
The science officer will serve at a new research center based in Beijing.
The International Council for Science (ICSU) is seeking an executive director and a head of science programmes. Applications are due by 11 August.
As an astronaut, doctor and teacher, David Hilmers has spent a career merging science and diplomacy – and working to improve people's lives.
Mario Giro, undersecretary of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomes the AAAS-TWAS initiative in science diplomacy
Mario Giro, sottosegretario agli affari esteri, plaude all'iniziativa di scienza e diplomazia avviata congiuntamente da TWAS e dall'American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sscientists, diplomats from 32 countries convene in Trieste for the first ever AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy
'Seminando Scienza' è finalmente disponibile su YouTube. Il documentario della TWAS, ambientato in Kenia, descrive in che modo quattro scienziati africani stanno cambiando le sorti delle loro genti.
The inspiring 2013 documentary about the transformative work done by four scientists in Kenya – with TWAS support – is now available on YouTube.
Pursue a PhD or postdoctoral research at an excellent institution in Brazil. Deadline: 28 July