Group photo with some ICTP, OWSD, IAP, and TWAS Staff

Associated organizations

TWAS works in close association with four international science organizations based in Trieste, Italy

For five decades, the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP) has provided essential support and partnership to TWAS. Today, TWAS also hosts two international organizations on the ICTP campus, each dedicated to serving the scientific needs of developing nations: the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) and the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP). 

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

ICTP is a unique institution that explores fundamental scientific questions at the highest level, promotes active engagement with scientists in developing countries, and advances international cooperation through science. The Centre was founded in 1964 in Trieste, Italy, by Pakistani Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, out of his conviction that science is the common heritage of humankind. Since then, ICTP has evolved into an extraordinary environment for advancing knowledge in the physical and mathematical sciences.


Strada Costiera, 11

I - 34151 Trieste Italy

(+39) 040 2240 111

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)

Under the umbrella of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), some 150 national, regional and global member academies work together to support the vital role of science in seeking evidence-based solutions to the world’s most challenging problems. IAP harnesses the expertise of the world’s leading scientific minds to advance sound policies, improve public health, promote excellence in science education, and achieve other critical development goals. Its academy members constitute more than 30,000 leading scientists, engineers and health professionals in over 100 countries.

IAP Secretariat

c/o TWAS • ICTP Campus • 34151 Trieste • Italy

The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

OWSD is the first international forum to unite eminent women scientists from the developing and developed worlds with the objective of strengthening their role in the development process and promoting their representation in scientific and technological leadership. OWSD provides research training, career development and networking opportunities for women scientists throughout the developing world at different stages in their careers.

OWSD Headquarters

c/o TWAS • ICTP Campus • 34151 Trieste • Italy