Support TWAS

More than 30 years ago, TWAS was founded to carry out a vitally important mission: to build scientific strength in the developing world and, by doing so, to improve life for hundreds of millions of people. Today, TWAS is recognized globally for its positive impact and influence.

The developing world has made historic progress in science, technology and innovation, but TWAS's work remains essential – and your contributions are more important than ever for advancing science in the countries that need to produce more food, provide clean water, develop energy sources and build scientific infrastructure. Now it's easier than ever to donate to TWAS with our fully secure link to PayPal.

When you donate, you can choose where to send your contribution:

TWAS Programmes: Donations will be used for direct support of scientists from developing countries – for example, for young researchers setting off to pursue a PhD, or for visiting scientists who lend their expertise to colleagues in one of the Least Developed Countries, or for grants to equip a new laboratory or organise a scientific meeting.

TWAS Endowment Fund: Donations help to assure the Academy's long-term strength, while generating interest that can be applied to staff and overhead expenses.

TWAS offers two ways to submit your donation:

  • Wire transfer - Complete the declaration of intent and e-mail it to the TWAS Executive Director’s Office. We'll follow up with further instructions.
  • PayPal - Donate with your credit card via PayPal or directly from your PayPal account. Below, you'll be guided through a few simple steps that will take you to the TWAS PayPal form, offered through UNESCO. [TWAS is a programme unit of UNESCO.].
Start your PayPal donation

Start your PayPal donation


Please let us know if your donation is for the TWAS Programmes or for the TWAS Endowment Fund.

Donation type


If you donate USD1,000 or more, TWAS would be pleased to publish your name in its Annual Report. Do you agree to have your name published?

Twas publications listing
NOTE: PayPal charges a fee of 2% to 4%, depending on your country. Therefore, TWAS will receive slightly less than the amount you enter in the form.
Please provide the name to be used in TWAS publications


Please provide the full name associated with the PayPal or credit card account that you will use for the donation.