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German Research Chair at AIMS-Ghana

German Research Chair at AIMS-Ghana

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is calling for applications for a research chair at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Biriwa, Ghana. Deadline for applications is 15 July 2015.

The call addresses academics from any country who demonstrably conduct application-related research in the field of mathematics, have several years of experience in training students and (ideally) doctoral candidates. The application must be supported by at least one collaborative partner in Germany.

As part of the programme initiative “German Research Chairs”, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is calling for applications for a research chair funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Biriwa, Ghana.

AIMS Ghana ( is part of the AIMS-Next Einstein Initiative ( which seeks to establish a coordinated network of 15 supra-regional centres of excellence in Africa over the next ten years to help meet the need for scientists trained in mathematics. The first AIMS centres in South Africa and Senegal are models for AIMS Ghana and other institutes being created in Africa. Calls for applications for other research chairs at AIMS centres in South Africa, Cameroon and Tanzania are planned.

The research chair, which is being advertised internationally, is designed to help strengthen university education in mathematics and research in Africa, promote networking between AIMS Ghana and German universities, and support networking amongst the various AIMS centres in Africa.

For details, please see the document (PDF) below.