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2013: anno internazionale italo-ungherese per la cultura e la scienza. La TWAS e l'Accademia ungherese delle scienze discutono il ruolo di diplomazia e scienza nella governance
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences and TWAS have invited experts from 14 nations to a roundtable on the use of diplomacy in scientific research and governance
An agreement between the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and TWAS will support up to 10 PhD fellowships per year focused on weather, climate and water-related hazards.
Mary O'Kane reviewed how government support for top research centres in Australia has had somewhat unexpected spin-offs
Some 100 young scientists from around the world, mostly PhD students and postdocs, convened in Lyon, France, to participate in the 2013 edition of BioVision
A workshop organized by the World Academy of Art and Science, in conjunction with TWAS and other groups, will convene experts from 19 countries, 5-6 March 2013, in Trieste, Italy
Mohamed H.A. Hassan, the former executive director of TWAS, has been re-elected co-chairman of IAP, the global network of science academies.
Top officials from the Italian government and UNESCO heard of TWAS's ambition to expand Fellowship programmes during a meeting of the Academy's Steering Committee.
Zakri Abdul Hamid, membro della TWAS, è stato nominato direttore del Panel intergovernativo su biodiversità ed ecosistemi (
Up to 140 early-career scientists per year from the developing world will travel to China for PhD study and research under an ambitious new agreement between the CAS and TWAS