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TWAS, UNESCO visit DPR Korea

TWAS, UNESCO visit DPR Korea

TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi has landed in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea where he will join in four days of meetings with scientific colleagues from the nation's State Academy of Sciences.

It is Murenzi's first visit to DPR Korea, and he will be joined by Hans Thulstrup, the programme specialist for natural sciences with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) office in Beijing, China. 

The meetings are expected to focus on the work and initiatives of each individual organization, and to explore how the history, current status and future prospects for cooperation in the field of science and technology between the DPR Korea State Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and TWAS. The visit began Monday 13 January and is expected to conclude on 16 January. 

"On behalf of TWAS, I am sincerely honoured by this opportunity to become better acquainted with our colleagues at the State Academy of Sciences," Murenzi said before the trip. "TWAS has long had a relationship with DPRK, but this is a very important opportunity for us to deepen the relationship.

MURENZI"I am optimistic that we will have good discussions on how we can extend our relationship – by electing more Korean scientists to TWAS, for example, and by conducting joint workshops and conferences. And TWAS has many scientific and educational resources that may be of interest to our hosts."

In a statement issued before the trip, the DPR State Academy of Sciences welcomed the visitors and expressed hope for a constructive visit. 

"Prof. Murenzi, the TWAS Executive Director, is very welcome to our country and to our State Academy of Sciences," the statement said.  

"We are content with cooperation with TWAS that we have done so far since its foundation, and this cooperation will be more developed in the future. This visit of Prof. Murenzi to the State Academy of Sciences, DPR Korea, will surely be a significant milestone in further developing and strengthening the relationship and cooperation between TWAS and our State Academy of Sciences."

TWAS has two elected members from DPR Korea:

Kim Kyong Bong, elected in 1988, is the former president of the State Academy of Sciences. He is a scholar in coal chemistry and gasification and in energy conservation, among other fields. He was educated at Dresden Technical University and the Central Institute of Fuel in the German Democratic Republic.

Ri Kwang Ho, elected in 2003, is an engineer with expertise in information processing and robotics. He formerly served as vice president and then president of the State Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Permanent Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly and a former cabinet member.

DPR Korean scientists also have been awarded more than 20 fellowships by TWAS.    

                                                                                                Edward W. Lempinen