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"The development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is one of the highest priorities of the government of Kosovo," says Lule Ahmedi
The role of science academies in advancing science, technology and innovation in the Balkans will be a key topic of discussion at an international workshop taking place in Trieste, Italy
Convegno Twas-Iap Ministero degli Affari Esteri: definire il ruolo proattivo delle accademie nel promuovere la cooperazione regionale tecnico scientifica nei Balcani

Jacob Palis, president of TWAS, has won the 2010 Balzan Prize in mathematics.
TWAS and ISTIC announce the recipients of the first ‘ISTIC-TWAS Entrepreneurship Awards’.
Each year, TWAS's five Regional Offices select up to five excellent young scientists (below the age of 40) to be come 'TWAS Young Affiliates'.
"The rapid growth of cities worldwide marks a demographic shift as significant as the shift from hunters and gatherers to farmers and settlers that took place some 10,000 years," says Hans Van Ginkel
Oil is not the only energy source in oil-rich Arab countries, says Farouk El-Baz (TWAS Fellow 1985). The region is also richly endowed with sun and wind.
The 3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research will be held in Helsinki, Finland, on 7-8 December 2010. As one of the organizers, TWAS is now accepting pre-registrations.
"We have a window of opportunity to put in place the technologies and policies that we need to curb greenhouse gas emissions," says Mohan Munasinghe (TWAS Fellow 1994).