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M. Thameur Chaibi (TWAS Fellow 2009), a senior researcher at the National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, has experienced water shortages since his early youth.
At a time when increasing access to electricity is driving economic growth in a number of developing countries, sub-Saharan Africa's electricity supplies remain stagnant.
The next big step in quantum physics could well come from research being done by scientists in developing countries.
TWAS joins an international consortium, including the Royal Society and the Environment Defense Fund, in a call for coordinated action on geoengineering research
Assessments on ecological footprints are blurring the distinctions between developed and developing countries, says Mathis Wackernagel, president of the Global Footprint Network.
The food we eat depends, in large measure, on microorganisms we can't see
TWAS has announced the launch of the Atta-ur-Rahman Prize in Chemistry. The announcement was made at the 22nd General Meeting of TWAS held in Trieste.
TWAS has announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2011 at the Academy's 22nd General Meeting in Trieste, Italy. Each TWAS Prize carries a cash award of USD15,000
TWAS will continue to build scientific capacity and promote scientific excellence in a world that is likely to experience unprecedented change in the years ahead, says Jacob Palis, president of TWAS.
The immediate past president of TWAS wins the prize for "monumental contributions to the frontiers of materials science."