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David Dickson: A champion for science

David Dickson: A champion for science

TWAS expresses its condolences and sorrow for the sudden and unexpected death Friday of journalist David Dickson, who founded SciDev.Net, the influential science development news website, in 2001.

SciDev.Net is a unique, science news website committed specifically to covering science and related policy issues in the developing world. TWAS was an early, vocal supporter of the project. The Academy remains an affiliate of the news organization.

In late 2000, while SciDev.Net was in the works, Dickson detailed the site's rationale in the TWAS Newsletter. "By creating an intelligent gateway to the world’s scientific events, literature and debates," he wrote, "the aim is to empower both individuals and communities in ways that will increase the impact of science and technology on sustainable development and the reduction of poverty".

Such values appeared to guide the site from the start, and helped assure strong bonds with TWAS and other organisations that shared those values.

"I was deeply saddened by the sudden and untimely death of David Dickson," said TWAS Treasurer Mohamed H.A. Hassan, who earlier served for more than a quarter-century as TWAS executive director. "David was a staunch supporter of promoting STI (science, technology and innovation) in developing countries and a great friend of TWAS. His brainchild, SciDev.Net, will ever remain his legacy. He will be sorely missed by all of us."

Current TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi said he shared "a strong friendship" with Dickson. "This is indeed sad news," Murenzi said. "The developing world loses a champion for its socio-economic development through the use of science, technology and innovation."

More on Dickson’s work and legacy is available at SciDev.Net.