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Rwandan President Paul Kagame's speech at the 27th TWAS General Meeting
TWAS has announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2016 at the Academy's 27th General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.
Marian Nkansah added new twists to research screening for toxic heavy metals to Ghana
Chinese materials scientist honoured for discoveries that help clean water, deliver medicine.
Bijyaj Singh honoured for research on nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles targeting cancer cells
Leading researchers and science policymakers convene in Rwanda for meeting of The World Academy of Sciences
M.N. Hounkonnou receives honour for high-impact mathematical research
In a new film, scientists from the developing world describe how a TWAS research grant shaped their success.
Humanity is becoming increasingly urban. How can researchers help make cities healthier places to live?
Donating to TWAS will be faster and easier than ever thanks to a new online system offered through PayPal.