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DECIMALS Fund: Call for proposals opens

DECIMALS Fund: Call for proposals opens

Scientists from the developing world who want to explore how climate change impacts locally may apply for a TWAS/SRM Governance Initiative grant.

TWAS, in partnership with the SRM Governance Initiative, announces the call for proposals for a major new SRM modelling fund for developing country scientists: the DECIMALS Fund (Developing Country Impacts Modelling Analysis for SRM). DECIMALS will support scientists from the Global South who want to analyse how SRM geoengineering might affect their regions. This is the first fund of its kind and it features in a Comment that’s published today in Nature, where a group of eminent Southern scholars and NGO leaders call for developing countries to play a central role in SRM research and discussion.

Grants of up to USD$70k will support scientists as they explore the climate impacts that matter most locally, from droughts to cyclones to extreme temperatures and precipitation changes. The DECIMALS Fund is about more than just research, however, and its wider goals include capacity-building, community-building, and expanding the conversation around SRM. DECIMALS research teams will therefore receive financial support to attend conferences, to collaborate with each other and with SRM modelling experts, and to discuss their findings with their local communities at the end of their projects.

Note that applicants do not need to be experts in SRM at the time of application, as there has been little research on this across the Global South to date. See here for full information about the grants, applicant eligibility, and the application process. The call is open from now until 29 May 2018.