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The call is open for new grants and postdoc fellowships for scientists in Islamic countries who are working in fields of sustainability.
An event organised by TWAS Young Affiliates and supported by the Elsevier Foundation brought big data lessons to a new generation of researchers
A first-of-its-kind event is planting the seeds for critical data-analysis expertise in Africa.
Researchers and the private sector both would gain from closer ties, said photochemist Tatas Brotosudarmo at a TWAS Research Grants workshop.
Subra Suresh, pioneering researcher and TWAS Fellow, describes the impact of new technologies and multi-disciplinary research.
TWAS Research Grants awardees are convening in Nepal this week to explore the non-scientific skills that can help propel a scientist's career.
Nudrat Aisha Akram, a TWAS Young Affiliate from Pakistan, is exploring new approaches to help plants resist environmental stress.
It's time to nominate women scientists from Africa and scientists from S&T-lagging countries for three TWAS awards.
The TWAS executive director received an honourary PhD from the University of Johannesburg for his contributions to science and science education.
Decision-makers and institutions worldwide should treasure the skills of war-displaced scientists, experts said at a screening of TWAS's "Science in Exile" in Trieste, Italy.