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2022 John and Alice Tyler Prize: call for nominations is open

2022 John and Alice Tyler Prize: call for nominations is open

Submission deadline is 22 September 2021

The call for nominations for the John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is now open. The Prize honours remarkable researchers who commit their careers to environmental science. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, 22 September 2021.

Philanthropists John and Alice Tyler appreciated nature and enjoyed its closeness through ranching, sailing and all forms of outdoor life. They were concerned, however, about the increasing pollution, and decided to take action. They established an international award that recognized the achievements of promising scientists, who worked to preserve nature, thus inspiring others to acknowledge the importance, and protect the role of the environment.

With the help of Ronald Reagan, at the time serving as the Governor of California, the Tylers inaugurated the John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 1973. Recipients of the prize are committed to improving health, preventing air and water pollution, and curbing ecosystem disruption and loss of biodiversity.

When John Tyler died in 1973, his widow remained dedicated to the Tyler Prize and made arrangements for its continuation until her passing, in 1993. The prize is now funded through the John and Alice Tyler Charitable Trusts. Winners receive $200,000, are honoured in a prestigious ceremony, where they also receive the Tyler Prize medallion.

Since its inauguration, 78 individuals and four organizations have been honoured with the prize. Winners of previous editions include four TWAS Fellows:  Partha Dasgupta in 2016; Jane Lubchenco in 2015; and two Nobel laureates, the late Paul Josef Crutzen in 1989 and the late Mario Molina in 1983.

The prize is administered by the University of Southern California.

For general information:

For information on the nomination procedure: