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Linda Nordling is blogging live from TWAS's 11th General Conference in Durban, South Africa.
The Durban Declaration, highlight of the closing ceremony of the TWAS 11th General Conference, urges negotiators at the climate change conference scheduled to take place in Copenhagen this December
Cheng-Wen Wu, founding president of the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) in Taipei, spoke at the TWAS 11th General Conference in Durban, South Africa
Are mathematicians the architects of an unseen world?
Phil Hockey of the University of Cape Town warned that without effective conservation measures the African Penguin could be facing extinction within thirty or forty years.
The recipients of the 2009 TWAS Medals – awarded in recognition of significant contributions to a research field – lectured about key aspects of their work
The 2008 TWAS Prizes were presented to the recipients at the Academy's 11th General Conference and 20th General Meeting in Durban, South Africa.
“We must use science to bring development to countries that are most in need”, says Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s Minister of Science and Technology
Pramod Kumar Aggarwal from India and Carlos Clemente Cerri from Brazil are honoured for their pioneering work on the intricate relationship between agriculture, climate and the environment.
TWAS has just announced the election of 50 new members.