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TWOWS awarded Elsevier Foundation grant

TWOWS awarded Elsevier Foundation grant

The Third World Organization for Women in Science has received a grant from the Elsevier Foundation that enables it to expand its recently launched prize scheme for young women scientists from the developing world.

The Third World Organization for Women in Science (TWOWS) has received a grant from the Elsevier Foundation that enables it to expand its recently launched prize scheme for young women scientists from the developing world. TWOWS is one of 12 institutions selected from 250 applicants worldwide to receive support under a programme that supports the work of libraries and scholars in science, technology and medicine. The Elsevier Foundation grant enables TWOWS to provide USD5,000 grants to promising young women scientists from four regions in the developing world (Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Middle East). The awards were given in the biological, chemical, and physical and mathematical sciences. The first recipients of the TWOWS Prizes for Young Women Scientists, who will be selected by an international panel of experts, will be presented their awards at a special ceremony during the Fourth TWOWS General Assembly to be held in Beijing, China, on 27-30 June 2010.

For information about the TWOWS Prizes for Young Women Scientists, see