With support from the SG-NAPI ‘Scientist after Child’ scheme, Ugandan agronomist Rosemary Bulyaba may now both look after her children and conduct research that helps her community
Durante la sua visita a Trieste, la Presidente della TWAS, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, ha dato il via alle celebrazioni per il 40mo anniversario dell'Accademia, e ha condiviso le sue riflessioni su temi di salute pubblica legati alle infezioni da HIV, tubercolosi e COVID-19.
During her visit to Trieste, TWAS President Quarraisha Abdool Karim marked the Academy’s 40th anniversary with discussion on public health issues such as HIV, tuberculosis, and COIVD-19
Leaders of teams that won TWAS-Elsevier Foundation grants gather for hybrid workshop in Trieste to gain essential training and practice team-building techniques
An UNTBLDC-TWAS-ICGEB programme allows early-career scientists from LDCs to experience international mobility and participate in collaborative projects before returning home