TWAS Plus, the bimonthly electronic bulletin launched in 2015 that TWAS delivers to almost 44,000 subscribers worldwide, has changed its look. After nine years of dissemination in its first design, the Academy's publication—which features news on research grants, opportunities, awards and career-building events—is now more user-friendly.
Sections are colour-grouped by field, and inside each section a bold headline drives the reader's attention straight to the specific news.
Dedicated slots host announcements from the TWAS Young Affiliate Network (TYAN) and TWAS-associated organizations. These include the InterAcademy Partnership, the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World, and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics.
Why not become a member of our international community? Visit TWAS website and subscribe to TWAS Plus. It's free, and you will receive up-to-date news and career opportunities straight to your email box.
Cristina Serra