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TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi has landed in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea where he will join in four days of meetings with scientific colleagues from the State Academy of Sciences
The launch of a new book, Trieste: City of Science and Higher Education, local leaders said the city should seek to expand its impact to further benefit both the region and global science.
The government of a small, landlocked developing country wanted to provide electricity to the 40% of its citizens who had none. What strategy would allow them to connect their people to the grid?
The new Ecuadorean Academy of Sciences will help the South American nation to build research strength and closer ties with TWAS and the global scientific community, TWAS President Bai Chunli said.
As the Philippines struggles to overcome the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan, scientists and policymakers are realizing that improved education and communication will be crucial.
The deadline for nominations for the TWAS 2014 Prizes and the TWAS-Celso Furtado 2013 Prize in Social Sciences is 28 February 2014.
A Trieste, come altrove, servono interventi mirati a contenere gli sprechi energetici
Three distinguished researchers have been selected to give the TWAS Medal Lectures on their research next year at the Academy’s annual General Meeting.
Vaughan C. Turekian, the Chief International Officer and editor-in-chief for the AAAS Center for Science and Diplomacy will give a lecture on Wednesday, 11 December
TWAS: al via il primo workshop del ciclo Science and Diplomacy, su energia e strategie di crescita sostenibili