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South Africa's scientific strength and policy leadership is expected to help the Academy's office grow and evolve.
Il successo nella ricerca, spiega lo scienziato omanita, è figlio di impegno, valori sociali e di fallimenti.

A new film explores the discovery and excitement young scientists are finding at the CAS-TWAS Centres of Excellence in Beijing.
National health systems need to step up their efforts in the fight against hearing loss. The InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP) lays out a five-step plan to help.
High-level science leaders say the developing world needs bold, sustained efforts to prepare a new generation of scientists – especially women.
By welcoming new Fellows, the Academy of Sciences of Ecuador is forging a more robust role for the nation's science.
At a AAAS-TWAS science diplomacy event, researchers from Central Asia and India joined to work on climate change and agriculture.
Twenty early-career doctors joined in a leadership workshop organized by the InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP).
TWAS Fellow Atta-ur-Rahman urges Islamic countries to invest in young generations by rewarding merit and creativity.

Physicists and mathematicians from Nigeria, Sudan and Vietnam won the 2015 Elsevier Foundation Awards, supported by OWSD and TWAS.