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TWAS Medals and Named Awards announced

TWAS Medals and Named Awards announced

During the first day of TWAS Sixteenth General conference, TWAS President Mohamed Hassan and TWAS Secretary-General Luiz Davidovich announced the winners of 2022 TWAS medals and awards.

2022 TWAS Abdus Salam Medal

The medal is named after and established in honour of the Academy's founder and first President, Nobel Laureate Professor Abdus Salam. It is now awarded every four years to highly distinguished personalities who have served the cause of science in the global south.

The 2022 TWAS Abdus Salam Medal went to:

  • Professor BAI Chunli of China
    Professor BAI is awarded for his great contributions to the advancement of science and technology in the developing world, and to the growth of TWAS.

    He will deliver his lecture during TWAS Sixteenth General Conference, on 24 November 2022.


TWAS Medals

TWAS Medals are awarded to some of the academy members, in recognition of their scientific achievements. For the first time this year a medal is awarded also to a TWAS Young Affiliate.

The recipients of the 2022 TWAS Medals are:

  • Professor GAO George Fu of China
  • Professor Rajaâ CHERKAOUI EL MOURSLI of Morocco
  • Professor Bruce ALBERTS of United States of America
  • Dr. CHEONG Sok Ching of Malaysia

They will deliver their lecture during TWAS Sixteenth General Conference, on 23 November 2022.


2022 TWAS-Lenovo Science Award

The award honours scientists in the global South who have reached the apex of scientific accomplishment.

The 2022 TWAS-Lenovo Science Award went to:

  • FU Bojie of China
    Professor Fu is awarded for his seminal contribution to the understanding of interactions between human beings and the environment, and their implications for sustainability


TWAS-CAS Young Scientist Award for Frontier Science

The award by TWAS and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) acknowledges young scientists living and working in a developing country.

The 2022 TWAS-CAS Young Scientist Award for Frontier Science in Earth Sciences went to:

  • SUN Yele of China
    Professor Sun is recognized for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of air pollution sources and formation mechanisms, and how air pollution interacts with the boundary layer


Awards named after TWAS Fellows

These awards are generously provided by TWAS Fellows and acknowledge women and men scientists from science- and technology-lagging countries, least developed countries, as well as researches carried out in areas relevant to sustainability.

2022 TWAS-Mohammad A. Hamdan Award
  • Khalil EZZINBI of Morocco
    Professor Ezzinbi is recognized for his contributions to the development of new methods for solving partial functional differential equations
2022 TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award
  • Anushka Upamali RAJAPAKSHA of Sri Lanka
    Dr. Rajapaksha is recognized for her contribution to the development of a novel engineered biochar as an innovative solution to environmental challenges, particularly the remediation of contaminated soils and water
2022 TWAS-Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award
  • Sarobidy RAKOTONARIVO of Madagascar
    Dr. Rakotonarivo is recognized for her cutting-edge research, and for engaging policymakers to ensure that interventions on nature and climates in Africa are more effective and equitable
2022 TWAS-Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Award (shared)
  • Sayera BANU of Bangladesh
    Dr. Banu is recognized for her groundbreaking research on tuberculosis and its effective translation into policies and practices
  • Nadia HAIDER of the Syrian Arab Republic
    Dr. Haider is recognized for her remarkable contribution to the field of DNA barcoding of plants and the whole-genome sequencing of date palms
2022 TWAS-Abdool Karim Award
  • Damalie NAKANJAKO of Uganda
    Dr. Nakanjako is recognized for her clinical and translational studies on mechanisms of immune activation, inflammation, and recovery of innate and adaptive immunity during chronic HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa.


On 17 November, TWAS announced also the winners of 2024 TWAS Awards.