TWAS will provide up to 50 PhD opportunities to developing world scientists every two years under a recently signed agreement with the government of Brazil.
In the five-year agreement with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the fellowships entail this year’s open call, with at least one more call to come.
TWAS offers hundreds of PhD fellowships a year at some of the most respected institutions in the developing world, and have historically included Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, and South Africa. The fellowships are central to TWAS’s mission: With each new PhD scientist, developing countries build a foundation for scientific strength.
For this fellowship, CNPq covers costs local to Brazil such as living expenses and a bench fee, while the Academy covers travel costs and contributes to visa expenses. They jointly administer the programme.
Applicants must be from a developing country other than Brazil. Scientists who are women or from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) will receive special consideration. Learn more about the programme and how to apply here.