Five awards are currently open to candidates from the developing world in fields including physics, chemistry, biology, medical science, and sustainable development
Sri Lankan chemist Imalka Munaweera received the 2023 TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award for nanotechnology work tied to medicine, agriculture, food supply chains, and water supplies
Women are particularly well-placed to tackle climate change in their communities, said Elsevier Foundation Executive Director Ylann Schemm at the CAS-TWAS-Elsevier Foundation workshop on climate action
Women scientists represent nearly one third of the newly elected class of TWAS Fellows. Six scientists are from science- and technology-lagging countries and nine are from countries underrepresented in TWAS membership
Le organizzazioni scientifiche possono promuovere una risposta coesa per sostenere e integrare scienziati a rischio, sfollati e rifugiati, hanno affermato gli esperti alla tavola rotonda della TWAS a Trieste Next