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BioVision 2013 looking for "Catalyzer" projects

BioVision 2013 looking for "Catalyzer" projects

The BioVision Catalyzer initiative provides the opportunity to present novel life-science projects to a broad and influential audience. Deadline for proposals: extended to 30 January 2013.

BioVision 2013 looking for "Catalyzer" projectsNext year's BioVision - the world life sciences forum - which will be held in Lyon, France, from 24-26 March, will include a new element - the "Catalyzer" competition.

Proposals are invited on aspects of the following areas:

• Focus 1: Infectious diseases, immunotherapy, diagnostic tools;
• Focus 2: Neurosciences, genomic, cell therapy, aging;
• Focus 3: Biodiversity, climate changes, agronomy;
• Focus 4: m-Health, e-Patient, access to care;
• Focus 5: Personalized medicine, cancer, access to medicine;
• Focus 6: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), prevention, nutrition, food security.

Proposals must match the following selection criteria:

• Match at least one of the 6 BioVision focus areas above;
• Endorsed by a partnering institution;
• International reach;
• Demonstrated benefits for citizens;
• Feasibility within 2 years;
• Multi-stakeholder oriented.

Selected projects/initiatives will be presented during the BioVision forum (24-26 March 2013) in front of a panel of 4 experts. Both the panel and the audience will elect one project/initiative considered as the most relevant per focus area.

The BioVision Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 at 4:00pm, during the BioVision Closing Ceremony. Each project/initiative selected by the panel (1 per focus area) will benefit from media exposure and a dedicated follow-up to further support the project development.

One pass to BioVision will be offered to each selected project/initiative holder.

Full details are available from the Catalyzer brochure, downloadable below.

All proposals must be submitted through the online application form.

Deadline: extended to 30 January 2013
