Qadri (PhD 1980, Liverpool) is Senior Svientist, Intl. Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Res., Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). Her work on infectious diseases and vaccines is carried out in collaboration with intl. and natl. organizations. She began her career (1981) as Asst. Prof., Dept. of Biochem., U. of Dhaka. She joined ICDDR,B in 1986 as a Post-doctoral Fellow and has remained there. She is overseeing a large feasibility study for introducing cholera vaccine in high risk people in the country. She has published +334 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Her honours include: Gold medal from the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences for outstanding research in Biological Sciences for 2006. Prof. C.N.R. Rao Prize for Sci. Res., TWAS; Hon. Intl. Fellow, ASTMH; Ambassador, Am. Soc. for Microbiology (ASM) for Bangladesh; Christophe and Rodolphe Mérieux Found. Grand Prize, French Acad. of Sci.; Fellow, Bangladesh Acad. of Sci.; Member of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Tech. Bank for the LDCs.
Professor Shah Faruque works in the School of Life Sciences at Independent University Bangladesh (IUB). Previously he was a Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology in BRAC University. He was also the director of the Genomics Centre at International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), and formerly director of the Centre for Food and Waterborne Diseases in icddr,b. He maintained a research team in Life Sciences for over two decades, and while staying in Bangladesh conducted cutting edge research. He obtained research grants from prestigious institutions including the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Harvard Medical School, USAID, Swedish International Development Agency, and the Wellcome Trust.
Prof. Faruque obtained BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees in Biochemistry from Dhaka University, and a PhD. in Molecular Biology from the University of Reading in the UK. Prof. Faruque has authored numerous original research papers, reviews, and book chapters, and has edited a number of text books. His works have been published in top ranking international journals, including Nature, PNAS and Lancet. He was awarded the TWAS Prize in Medical Sciences in 2005.
Hussain (PhD, Stanford, 1969) is President's Dist Chair in Engr and Science, and Snr Adv to the President, Texas Tech Univ (TTU), Mech Engr Dept. He was post-doc at Johns Hopkins, then moved to U. of Houston (UH) in 1971, where he became Prof (76), Dist Univ Prof (85), Cullen Dist Chair (89) before moving to TTU in 2013. His honours include: Eckhart Prize for Outstandg Dissertation, Stanford; Freeman Scholar and Fluids Engr Awards of Amer Soc of Mech Engr (ASME); Fluid Dyn Prize of Amer Phys Soc (APS); Fluid Dyn Award of Amer Inst of Aero and Astro (AIAA); Sigma Xi, Farfel, and other Research Excell Awards of UH; Gold Medal, Bangladesh Soc of Mech Engrs; and Inst of Engrs Bangladesh Medal. He is a Fellow of APS, ASME and AIAA; member of Natl Acad of Engr, Bangladesh Acad of Sci, and Johns Hopkins Soc of Scholars; Hon Prof of Peking Univ and Dean of Houston Methodist Research Institute.