Youdeowei (PhD in agric. entomol., U. of London) is a consultant and IPM specialist for Global IPM Facility, FAO Reg. Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana, and World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. He is also Dir., Pesticides Action Ntwrk UK; Dir., West Africa Book Publ. Ltd, Nigeria, Vis. Prof., U. of Greenwich, UK in Capacity Strengthening for Afr. Agric. Research. He was: Dean, Fac. of agriculture and forestry, 1976-79; act. vice chanc., 1978, U. of Ibadan, Nigeria ; research associate, Intl. Ctr. for Insect Physiology and Ecol., Nairobi, 1973-77; sci. coord., ICIPE/UNEP Group, Pest and Vector Mngmnt. System, 1978-82; and dir., Training and Communications, West Africa Rice Devlpmnt. Assocn., Côte d’Ivoire, 1990-97. He is a founding fellow of: African Acad. of Sciences; Science Assocn. of Nigeria; Entomol. Soc. of Nigeria; Royal Entomol. Soc., London. Winner Intl. Plant Protection Award of Distinction, IPPAD 2015