Kuku was Pres., Afr. Acad. of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya (2014-2017), and is a Distinguished Prof. of Math. National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria.. He was Prof at ICTP, 1995-2003 and retired in 2003, then served as Vis. Prof., U. of Iowa; Ohio State U., Columbus, USA ; Max-Planck-Inst. für Math. Bonn,; IHES, Paris; Member, Inst. for Adv. Study, Princeton NJ, USA; Vis. Res. Prof., MSRI, Berkeley,USA; Distinguished Vis. Prof., Miami U., Oxford, OH; William W.S. Claytor Prof. of Math., Grambling State U., LA,USA. Before joining ICTP, he was also Prof. and Head of Maths.; Dean, Post-Grad. School, U. of Ibadan, Nigeria; Vis, Prof, Cornell U, Ithaca, NY, USA and Pres., Afr. Math. Union (AMU). He is Foundation Fellow American Math Society; Fellow of Afr. Acad. of Scs; Nigerian Acad. of Sc,., Eur. Acad. of Arts, Sci. and Humanities; Nigerian Math. Soc; Math Asscn of Nigeria; Fellow of Afr. Sc. Inst; For. Fellow, Mongolian Acad. of Scs. Other honours: AMU Medal; Disting. Achiev. Award, US Natl. Assoc. of Mathematicians; Hon. Pres., AMU (for life); Officer, Order of the Niger; Nigerian Natl. Order of Merit. Extensive Res, contrib. to K-theory and non-commutative structures.