Qaim was educated at Govt. College/Punjab Univ., Lahore, Pakistan. He earned PhD at Liverpool Univ., DSc at Birmingham Univ. (UK), and Habilitation at Köln Univ. He is advisor in nuclear chemistry, Res. Ctr. Jülich; prof., Köln Univ.; senior teacher at FH Aachen; hon. prof., Govt. College Univ., Lahore, and chief editor, Radiochimica Acta. He is chair, Education Committee of World Council on Isotopes, Korea/USA, and Tutor at the IAEA-supported on Radionuclides held in Korea. His work covers radiochemistry, nuclear data and radionuclides in medicine. His awards include: Eötvös Medal and hon. Fellowship, Hungarian Physical Society; hon. Citizenship and hon. Doctorate, Debrecen Univ., Hungary; hon. Doctorate, Yorker Intern. Univ.; JARI Award Medal, Pergamon Press; Medal of Honour, Egyptian Atomic Energy; Medal of Honour, Rajshahi Univ.,Bangladesh; Medal of Honour, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan; Sitara-i-Imtiaz, Pakistan; Hevesy Medal of Radiochemistry; and Becquerel Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry, London. He was Research Professor of TWAS for Bangladesh. He is foreign fellow, Pakistan Acad. of Sciences and fellow, Islamic World Acad. of Sciences.