Ways to improve faculty research and training on issues related to biosecurity and biosafety were at the centre of discussions at a workshop in Trieste
Queena Ngo Lee-Chua, a recipient of the 2010 TWAS Regional Office in East and South East Asia (TWAS-ROESEAP) prize for the popularization of science, speaks about her passion for maths teaching
Roseanne Diab, executive director of the Academy of Science of South Africa, talks about the involvement of scientists from the developing world in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
At a time when increasing access to electricity is driving economic growth in a number of developing countries, sub-Saharan Africa's electricity supplies remain stagnant.
Fernando Quevedo describes the importance of the exciting discovery this summer of a Higgs-boson like particle – and the early role played by Abdus Salam
The International Year of Crystallography will bring global attention to a field which can be a major force for advancing knowledge and economic growth in the developing world.