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Aziz Sancar, Nobel per la chimica 2015 e membro della TWAS, ha scoperto e caratterizzato a livello molecolare uno dei meccanismi con cui le cellule riparano il DNA danneggiato.
TWAS and Executive Director Romain Murenzi played major roles in a high-level UN panel that urged development of a technology bank.
The Turkish-born scientist, elected to TWAS in 1994, shares the 2015 Nobel Prize in chemistry for research into DNA repair.
TWAS and IAP have joined a new coalition that plans to address a range of important issues – starting with the big data revolution.
African scholar Segenet Kelemu leads an international centre in Nairobi focused on insects and strategies for sustainable agriculture.
Segenet Kelemu, direttore dell'Icipe di Nairobi, oggi a Trieste per la giornata inaugurale di Trieste Next. Aprirà la tavola rotonda della TWAS per parlare di agribiotech in Afica.
South Africa and TWAS are offering new PhD fellowships to advance science and check brain drain. Deadline: 2 October.
Segenet Kelemu, Michele Morgante e Alessandro Vitale animeranno la tavola rotonda della TWAS a Trieste Next.
At Trieste Next TWAS' roundtable African scientist Segenet Kelemu will explore the role of biotechnology on Africa and developing countries.
The TWAS General Meeting in Vienna will feature high-level experts on sustainability in global development.