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At the University of Tlemcen in Algeria, studies in medical physics provide a laboratory not just for health care, but also for ethics, science-policy engagement and science diplomacy.
The countries of the Middle East and North Africa have a history and reputation as fossil fuel giants. But a region-wide shift is driving more research into solar and wind power.
Early-career researchers in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ecuador, Guyana and Indonesia have been recognized for their work.
A new film from TWAS explores the journey of scientists in flight from war and in search of a safe place to continue their work.
Five institutions – ICTP, ICGEB, OWSD, IAP and TWAS – drive critical growth of science, education and expertise in Africa
The 2018 class of TWAS Fellows includes a broad diversity of nations and the highest proportion of women ever elected in one year.
The Indian "game theory" pioneer has focused on the collective behaviour of people trying to get what they want from institutions.
TWAS has announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2018 in Trieste, Italy.
TWAS has named influential scientists in geology, health, conservation and chemistry as winners of its major prizes in 2017.
The Argentine researcher has shed new light on the origins the world's longest mountain range: the Andes.