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A TWAS-Sida maintenance grant restored lab conditions for about 300 students and 10 permanent researchers in Benin
2023 Grantee Meran Keshawa Ediriweera discusses how TWAS support facilitated both research and new avenues for collaboration
All you need to know about the fast-growing science diplomacy field, as well as how to become more involved
A TWAS collaborative research grant supported by Sida fosters research between Kenyan and Malagasy scientists to provide more food through small-scale agriculture
MAECI Deputy Minister Edmondo Cirielli participated in the ‘Trieste: Science for the 2030 Agenda’ event
Dabholkar, Murenzi conduct handover meeting
A guide to a vital source of funding for developing world scientists, including research grants provided by TWAS and Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
TWAS-Sida grantee Diouma Kobor tests new materials to fine-tune solar cells needed to power domestic and public devices in Senegal
The new class of Fellows includes a Nobel laureate, and 40% of the new class are women
SG-NAPI grantee Fatalmoudou Tandina's research aims to help Malian health authorities fight back against infectious diseases that mosquitoes transmit