Eligible countries for TWAS-SRMGI DECIMALS Funds Research Grants

Countries where the TWAS-SRMGI DECIMALS Funds Research Grants grants can take place and eligible nationalities.
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Angola
  4. Argentina
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Belize
  7. Benin
  8. Bhutan
  9. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  10. Botswana
  11. Brazil
  12. Burkina Faso
  13. Burundi
  14. Cabo Verde
  15. Cambodia
  16. Cameroon
  17. Central African Republic (the)
  18. Chad
  19. China
  20. Colombia
  21. Comoros (the)
  22. Congo (the)
  23. Costa Rica
  24. Côte d’Ivoire
  25. Cuba
  26. Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)
  27. Djibouti
  28. Dominican Republic (the)
  1. Ecuador
  2. Egypt
  3. El Salvador
  4. Equatorial Guinea
  5. Eritrea
  6. Ethiopia
  7. Fiji
  8. Gabon
  9. Gambia (the)
  10. Ghana
  11. Grenada
  12. Guatemala
  13. Guinea
  14. Guinea-Bissau
  15. Guyana
  16. Haiti
  17. Honduras
  18. India
  19. Indonesia
  20. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  21. Iraq
  22. Jamaica
  23. Jordan
  24. Kenya
  25. Kiribati
  26. Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
  27. Lebanon
  28. Lesotho
  1. Liberia
  2. Libya
  3. Madagascar
  4. Malawi
  5. Malaysia
  6. Maldives
  7. Mali
  8. Mauritania
  9. Mauritius
  10. Mexico
  11. Micronesia (Federated States of)
  12. Mongolia
  13. Morocco
  14. Mozambique
  15. Myanmar
  16. Namibia
  17. Nepal
  18. Nicaragua
  19. Niger (the)
  20. Nigeria
  21. Pakistan
  22. Panama
  23. Papua New Guinea
  24. Paraguay
  25. Peru
  26. Philippines (the)
  27. Rwanda
  28. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  1. Samoa
  2. Sao Tome and Principe
  3. Senegal
  4. Sierra Leone
  5. Solomon Islands
  6. Somalia
  7. South Africa
  8. South Sudan
  9. Sri Lanka
  10. State of Palestine (the)
  11. Sudan (the)
  12. Suriname
  13. Swaziland
  14. Syrian Arab Republic (the)
  15. Thailand
  16. Timor-Leste
  17. Togo
  18. Tonga
  19. Tunisia
  20. Türkiye
  21. Tuvalu
  22. Uganda
  23. United Republic of Tanzania (the)
  24. Vanuatu
  25. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  26. Viet Nam
  27. Yemen
  28. Zambia
  29. Zimbabwe