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Via Beirut, 6
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Sean Treacy
Staff Writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room T8/2
Office: +39 040 2240-538

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A year of advancement for TWAS

A year of advancement for TWAS

In 2018, the Academy’s reach and reputation continued to progress, benefiting the research enterprise and the careers of individual scientists in every region of the developing world. The new TWAS Annual Report details these achievements.

TWAS has released its 2018 Annual Report, using powerful infographics and images to bring the Academy’s 35th year to life.

Download the full 2018 TWAS Annual Report.

The report shows that TWAS’s global presence, programmes for developing world scientists, and impact on all fields are growing. It summarises many of the Academy's specialized programmes and events on key global issues, such as the increasingly popular field of science diplomacy and efforts to help scientists displaced by war. It also details TWAS’s extensive network of partners and continually evolving membership.

"All of these accomplishments are a great source of pride for our Academy, for the Council, for our Fellows and Young Affiliates, for our many partners, and for our Secretariat in Trieste and our colleagues in the five Regional Partnerships,” TWAS President Bai Chunli says in the report’s Foreword.

Among the Academy’s other central accomplishments in 2018:

  • TWAS elected its first members from five countries: Bolivia, Laos, Libya, Nicaragua and Zambia.
  • The Academy hosted its first regional research grants conference in August in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, convening 28 past TWAS research grant winners from 17 African countries.
  • TWAS launched its new Online Directory of Fellows and Young Affiliates, offering a comprehensive view of the strength and impact of its global membership of about 1,200 elected lifetime Fellows and nearly 100 Young Affiliates.
  • A record 1,111 young scientists were actively working toward for their PhDs in TWAS programmes.

The Annual Report details further facets of TWAS’s work, such as its many awards and programmes oriented toward developing scientific expertise in the South. It also explores the Academy’s efforts to support women in science, advance science diplomacy and expand the growing connections between science academies worldwide.

Sean Treacy