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TWAS Research Grants: call for applications now open

TWAS Research Grants: call for applications now open

TWAS is now accepting applications for projects in the basic sciences from individual young scientists and leaders of research units based in scientifically lagging countries. Deadline for receipt of applications: 31 August.

TWAS Research Grants: call for applications now openThe 2013 call for applications to the TWAS Research Grants in the Basic Sciences is now open. The deadline for applications is 31 August.

Individual young researchers and heads of research units in 81 science and technology-lagging countries are invited to submit their research proposals in the areas of basic biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics.

The programme, which is supported by funds from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) allows for the purchase of laboratory equipment, consumable supplies and scientific literature.

 New for 2013:

  • Successful individual young researchers will have the opportunity to attend an international conference of their choice. Young researchers or students attached to successful research units will also be offered this opportunity.
  • Funds are available to support the publication of research results in open access journals.
  • Research units will be given the option to support an MSc student as part of the project.
  • Also thanks to the support of Sida, an additional call – for Research Consortia in S&T-lagging countries – will be announced soon.

See the call for applications to the TWAS Research Grants in the Basic Sciences programme.