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TWAS, IsDB launch COVID-19 research grant

TWAS, IsDB launch COVID-19 research grant

The two organisations have opened the call for a new joint-research and technology transfer grant designed to provide a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The deadline is 4 June.

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and TWAS have joined efforts to sponsor a new grant designed to specifically address the COVID-19 pandemic.

Technologists and researchers from IsDB Member Countries can submit proposals for research projects or innovations that can help address challenges directly and indirectly related to COVID-19. A grant may be used to purchase scientific equipment and consumables and support the travel and remote working of scientists between the two participating institutions. The grant may also cover, where justified, expenses related to field work. 

Potential research areas include but are not limited to: the epidemiology of COVID-19, dealing with consequences of COVID-19, regional studies of COVID-19 infection, and the identification of possible sources of viruses and prevention of new zoonotic diseases.

This is the latest of several ambitious programmes jointly organised by IsDB and TWAS to develop science in IsDB member countries, and especially the bank's Least Developed Member Countries (LDMCs), through a collaboration that began in 2018. The focus has been on areas of the sustainability sciences needed to support the achievement of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The application deadline is 4 June. Read more about the grant and find out how to apply here.