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TWAS introduces its 2023 Young Affiliates

TWAS introduces its 2023 Young Affiliates

The new class of TWAS Young Affiliates was selected in 2023 and is now listed in the Academy's online Directory

TWAS has announced its newest class of Young Affiliates, highly accomplished early-career scientists who through the programme will receive more opportunities for professional growth.

Every year TWAS, through its five Regional Partners, selects up to 25 scientists under 40 to become Young Affiliates for a period of six years. During this time, they interact with TWAS Fellows, attend TWAS General Meetings and General Conferences as observers, and participate in events organized by the Regional Partners themselves.

TYAN: building networks of the future
Some of the participants in the first TYAN international conference (2017) at the end of a successful meeting. (Photo: Brazilian Academy of Sciences)

In exchange, these young scientists provide tremendous energy and enthusiasm, individual perspectives, ideas, and personal experience. By creating fresh connections through the promotion of international collaborations, TWAS Young Affiliates expand the Academy's impact at the regional and local levels. After six years of affiliateship, they become TWAS Young Alumni.

TWAS elected its first group of Young Affiliates in 2007. In 2016, during the TWAS's 27th General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, the Young Affiliates officially established the TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN).

Currently, TWAS has 122 Young Affiliates and 297 Alumni.

Below is a list of the new slate of Affiliates, whose profiles are visible in the TWAS Directory.


TWAS Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP) at the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) in Pretoria, South Africa

Ndong Abdourahmane - Senegal

Mary Amoako - Ghana

Happi Mouthé Gervais - Cameroon

Lydia Rhyman - Mauritius

Halima Sumaya Twabi - Malawi


TWAS Arab Regional Partner (TWAS-AREP) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt

Ayman Ahmed - Sudan

Ahlam Zaid Alkilani - Jordan

Nadia Arrousse - Morocco

Ridha Horchani - Oman

Mohammed Kadhom - Iraq


TWAS Central and South Asia Regional Partner (TWAS-CASAREP) at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bangalore, India

Evana Akhtar - Bangladesh

Faroha Liaqat - Pakistan

Nargiza Sataeva - Kyrgyzstan

Prabhat Kumar Singh - India

Kaveesha Jayani Wijesinghe - Sri Lanka


TWAS East and South-East Asia and the Pacific Regional Partner (TWAS-SAPREP) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China

Sri Fatmawati - Indonesia

Paul Kuman - Papua New Guinea

Siu Yee New - Malaysia

Ugyen Penjor - Buthan

Jiajun Xu - China         


TWAS Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Partner (TWAS-LACREP) at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in Rio de Janeiro

María Eugenia Cabrera Catalán - Guatemala

Nathalie Valeska Casanova Morales - Chile

Diego Marques Ferreira - Brazil

Maria Cristina Romero-Rodríguez - Paraguay

Fernando José Zorto Aguilera - Honduras