![TWAS Medalist for 2025 Luiz Davidovich. [Photo provided]](/sites/default/files/styles/cke_media_resize_large/public/media/davidovich%20horizont%20fin%20web.jpg?itok=G5jCj-hE)
Trieste, 14 November 2024 - The TWAS Council has announced today a new slate of 25 awardees. The Academy’s awards are special distinctions for scientists from the global South designed to bring special recognition to their achievements. These honours are among the most prestigious for research and the application of science and technology to sustainable development in the developing world.
TWAS President Quarraisha Abdool Karim unveiled the names of the winners of the awards, including the TWAS Medal Lecture, during the TWAS General Meeting. TWAS General Meetings are closed-door sessions to discuss Academy matters and take place every two years. In 2024, the TWAS General Meeting took place online and was coordinated by the TWAS Secretariat in Trieste, Italy.
- Luiz Davidovich of Brazil, 2025 TWAS Medal
- Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko of Benin, 2024 TWAS-Abdool Karim Award in Biological Sciences
- Samia Subrina of Bangladesh, 2024 TWAS-Fayzah M. Al Kharafi Award
- Tista Prasai Joshi of Nepal, 2024 TWAS-Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award
- Bipeen Dahal of Nepal, 2024 TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award
- Ihsen Yengui of Tunisia, 2024 TWAS-Mohammad A. Hamdan Award
- Lin Chen of China, 2026 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences (shared)
- Moti Jaleta Debello of Ethiopia, 2026 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences (shared)
- Fu Qiaomei of China, 2024 TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science in Life Sciences
- Abdelfattah Salem of Mexico and Egypt, 2026 TWAS Award in Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Systems Sciences (shared)
- Huang Sanwen of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Systems Sciences (shared)
- Liu Mo-Fang of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Biological Sciences (shared)
- Jon Paul Rodríguez of Venezuela, 2026 TWAS Award in Biological Sciences (shared)
- Jie Zeng of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Chemical Sciences
- Meththika Suharshini Vithanage of Sri Lanka, 2026 TWAS Award in Earth, Climate and Environmental Sciences
- Carlos Ricardo Soccol of Brazil, 2026 TWAS Award in Engineering & Computer Sciences (shared)
- Suman Chakraborty of India, 2026 TWAS Award in Engineering & Computer Sciences (shared)
- Henrique Bursztyn of Brazil, 2026 TWAS Award in Mathematical Sciences (shared)
- Fu Jixiang of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Mathematical Sciences (shared)
- Bushra Ateeq of India, 2026 TWAS Award in Medical & Health Sciences (shared)
- Ester Sabino of Brazil, 2026 TWAS Award in Medical & Health Sciences (shared)
- Ding Hong of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences (shared)
- Satishchandra Ogale of India, 2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences (shared)
- Fang Chuanglin of China, 2026 TWAS Award in Social Sciences (shared)
- Jomo Kwame Sundaram of Malaysia, 2026 TWAS Award in Social Sciences (shared)
TWAS Medal
TWAS awards a special distinction called the TWAS Medal to some of its Fellows and Young Affiliates, in recognition of outstanding contributions to science and technology, as well as to the TWAS mission. The recipients lecture on a main aspect of their work, and are presented with a medal as a token of appreciation. As part of the award, they are invited to speak at the next TWAS General Conference:
2025 TWAS Medal
A high-profile lecture and medal
Winner: Luiz Davidovich of Brazil

Luiz Davidovich is emeritus professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He works on quantum optics and quantum information, with emphasis on the role of the environment on quantum systems. In 2001, he was awarded the TWAS Prize for Physics, and he served as secretary-general of TWAS from 2019 to 2022. He was President of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences from 2016 to 2022. In 2010, he received the most important prize for science in Brazil, awarded by the Brazilian National Research Council.
Davidovich said: “It is for me a great joy and honour to get this recognition, since it comes from an outstanding organization, which plays, through science excellency and cooperation, an important role for peace, understanding, and mitigation of inequality between countries.”
Named Awards
These are awards named after TWAS Fellows who, often, have provided financial support for the honour, or TWAS partners with a role in facilitating the award. This year, there are five:
2024 TWAS-Abdool Karim Award in Biological Sciences
Winner: Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko of Benin
“For her contributions to the development of environmentally friendly biological control methods against insect pests and her achievements in enhancing the knowledge and conservation of plant genetic resources in the Republic of Benin.”

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko is an associate professor of Zoology and Genetics and director of the National High School of Applied Biosciences and Biotechnologies (ENSBBA), Benin. She is a laureate of the 2023 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early-Career Women Scientists in the Developing World, a laureate of One Planet Fellowship (2020), and laureate of the L'Oréal-UNESCO regional post-doctoral fellowship for women in Sciences of Sub-Saharan Africa (2014).
Loko said: “This award is a great honour and motivation to continue making science my passion and contribute to sustainable development."
2024 TWAS-Fayzah M. Al Kharafi Award
Winner: Samia Subrina of Bangladesh
“For her groundbreaking research in nanoscale materials and devices, providing innovative solutions for electronic industry, heat management, and energy harvesting.”

Samia Subrina is a professor at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). Her work is in nanomaterials and nanoelectronic device modelling, including device engineering, material characterization, quantum computation, heat management, thermoelectric applications, and solar cells, and aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals for affordable and clean energy as well as climate action. She is a 2020 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards winner, and has numerous leadership roles, such as organizing conferences and workshops and promoting STEM and technological awareness among women.
“The TWAS-Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Award is an honour and celebration of my accomplishments as an individual, as well as an inspiration to future generations, offering women empowerment to encourage others to pursue careers in STEM and aim for excellence,” said Subrina. “Celebrating this achievement helps pave the way for future leaders, promoting gender equity and ensuring diverse perspectives that ultimately strengthen and advance the field and benefit everyone.”
2024 TWAS-Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award
Winner: Tista Prasai Joshi of Nepal
“For her pioneering work in improving drinking water quality, particularly in addressing arsenic contamination of groundwater in Nepal.”

Tista Prasai Joshi is currently working as senior scientific officer at Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). Her major research focus is the identification of high-risk microbial and emerging pollutants in water and removal of pollutants from water by applying different natural and synthetic adsorbents. She has contributed in the field of water purification and sanitation through her research outputs. She has also acted as an advocate for improved water quality in Nepal to the general public and policy makers.
“Receiving the award has great value in my scientific career,” said Prasai Joshi. “I strongly believe that this award would not only strengthen my research capacity, but also inspire so many young researchers to achieve more in the advancement of sciences.”
2024 TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award
USD5,000 (sponsored by The Searle Company Ltd.)
Winner: Bipeen Dahal of Nepal
“For his contributions to the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials, including carbon quantum dots and their composites, for applications in energy conversion and storage, as well as addressing environmental issues.”

Bipeen Dahal is assistant professor at the Central Department of Chemistry at Tribhuvan University in Nepal. He received his PhD from Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea. His research interests include carbon-based nanocomposite materials for energy storage applications, and separation science. A jolly and reputed professor, enthusiastic about new findings regarding environmental issues and green energy-supply tasks, he wants to cover such issues with good humour.
Dahal said: “It was an honour to receive this award. I have gained demonstrated ability to collect and interpret electrochemical data and relate the data back to underlying materials-related properties. The knowledge and working experience in electrocatalysis and green energy storage further strengthened my research career in this field.”
2024 TWAS-Mohammad A. Hamdan Award
Winner: Ihsen Yengui of Tunisia
“For his significant contributions to mathematical research in Tunisia and his dedicated commitment to training the new generation of young mathematicians from Tunisia and sub-Saharan Africa.”

Ihsen Yengui is a Tunisian mathematician, specialist of constructive commutative algebra, and professor at the University of Sfax in Tunisia. A winner of a regional Maghreb Olympic Medal in mathematics as a young student, he obtained the African Mathematical Union prize for young African mathematicians and various other distinctions, in particular the prestigious Georg-Forster Fellowship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation in Germany.
“I am extremely honoured to receive this recognition award,” said Yengui. “It really encourages me in my commitment to training young mathematicians from Tunisia and sub-Saharan Africa and emboldens me to pursue with enthusiasm my mathematical research work while remaining in Tunisia.”
TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award
With funding from the Siwei Cheng Foundation of the Education Foundation of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, this award recognizes economic scientists who have been living and working in a developing country for at least 10 years. It is currently awarded every two years:
2026 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and plaque
Winner: Lin Chen of China
“For his exceptional contributions to knowledge on financial inclusion, development, and financial stability, and for promoting financial inclusion and stability in a large developing country.”

Lin Chen is the chair professor of finance at The University of Hong Kong, specializing in research areas including financial development, financial technology, and financial inclusion. He is published in many top-tier journals, serves on the editorial boards of leading academic journals, and provides consulting services to governments, major international organizations, and prominent financial institutions. He is actively involved in several government advisory groups, where he focuses on topics such as Fintech, Web 3.0, CBDC and Financial stability.
"I am truly honoured to receive this recognition from The World Academy of Sciences,” said Lin. “This award is a wonderful affirmation of the work I have been doing in finance and economic development. It will inspire me to continue my efforts in the fields of fintech and financial development, and to strive to make a broader impact on both academia and the professional community."
2026 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and plaque
Winner: Moti Jaleta Debello of Ethiopia
“For his research on smallholders’ behaviour and institutional effects on agricultural technology adoption, and its impact on commercialization and food security.”

Moti Jaleta Debello is an agricultural economist working at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Moti is interested in discussing with farmers the purpose of their work, exploring the constraints and opportunities that forced or encouraged farmers to decide on their strategies for production, investment, consumption, and marketing. He considers his research projects a learning opportunity and shares insights from his analyses.
“I am honoured to be selected to receive this prestigious TWAS Award in recognition of my efforts in agricultural research over the last two decades,” said Debello. “This is very inspiring and motivating for further research into the challenges and opportunities around smallholders’ uptake of agricultural innovations in the global South.”
TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award
This annual award recognizes scientific achievements by young scientists living and working in a developing country. This is the fifth edition of the award, and recognizes achievements in Life Sciences:
2024 TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science in Life Sciences
USD10,000 (sponsored by Lenovo)
Winner: Fu Qiaomei of China
“For her innovations in key ancient genomic technologies and contributions in human evolution across Eurasia, illuminating how discovered ancestry has shaped the genetic makeup and adaptive traits of modern humans.”

Fu Qiaomei is a paleogenetic researcher from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her work aims to develop ancient DNA technologies and provide insight into the evolutionary history of humans, including who lived when and where, and how they moved and interacted over time.
“This award from TWAS recognizes the value of the technological development and research into human evolution I’ve dedicated my life to over the years,” said Fu. “The great encouragement from receiving this award inspires me to continue uncovering the mysteries of our past. I’m dedicated to following that path forward, with the motto: no limitation, never give up, always be curious.”
TWAS Awards
The Academy also provides a series of honours called the TWAS Awards, which are given to individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least 10 years. The cycle of the TWAS Awards is currently every two years. Some of the awards are shared between scientists in similar fields. This year, there are 16:
2026 TWAS Award in Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Systems Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Abdelfattah Salem of Mexico and Egypt
“For improving animal production and health, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions using innovative feed additives and alternative food resources for cleaner agriculture

Abdelfattah Zeidan Mohamed Salem is a full-time professor of animal nutrition at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. He is a specialist in Ruminant Nutrition and works on the use of natural and synthetic feed additives to improve dietary nutritional value and greenhouse gas emissions. In farm extension activities, he collaborated with livestock stakeholders across Mexico in relation to the formulation, preparing, and using methods of new feed additives on large-scale livestock animals’ farms.
“It is an honour for me to receive this very important recognition from UNESCO-TWAS,” said Salem. “It will help me in my scientific progress in the field of animal nutrition and getting more research projects from international organizations.”
2026 TWAS Award in Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Systems Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Huang Sanwen of China
“For his innovation in genome-design breeding system and the first-generation hybrid potato variety, revolutionizing production of the world's main tuber crop.”

Sanwen Huang is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, with a laboratory in the Agricultural Genomics Institute in Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. His research in plant genomics has boosted the quality of cucumbers and tomatoes. He is also a trailblazer in potato seed propagation and hybrid breeding.
“I am deeply honoured by this recognition. It validates our work and motivates me to keep pushing for innovations in food security,” said Huang. “This award underscores the vital role of our research in addressing global food challenges, and it strengthens my resolve to make a lasting impact.”
2026 TWAS Award in Biological Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Liu Mo-Fang of China
“For her pioneering research on the biology of non-coding RNAs, explaining key regulatory mechanisms underlying sperm production and identifying new causes of human male infertility.”

Mo-Fang Liu is a professor at Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Her group has made several major discoveries regarding the roles and mechanisms of RNA regulation in spermatogenesis and male infertility, advancing our understanding of germ cell development and the pathological causes of male infertility.
Liu said: “This award recognizes my innovative and elegant studies during the past 18 years, which will no doubt encourage me to continue making excellent discoveries in the field.”
2026 TWAS Award in Biological Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Jon Paul Rodríguez of Venezuela
“For his unparalleled contribution to conservation science and policy, emphasizing national efforts and integrating local scientific knowledge for sustainable development.”

Jon Paul Rodríguez is an ecology professor at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, co-founder and President of the non-governmental organization Provita, and Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. As a biologist he is interested in generating information useful for informing conservation policies. He holds a degree in biology from Central University of Venezuela and a doctorate on ecology and evolutionary biology from Princeton University.
“All my career, I have been part of a team. Early on we founded Provita, then I joined IUCN, and later became an ecology professor,” said Rodriguez. "I continue to combine the three in my activities. My students, colleagues and collaborators are part of a collective effort for studying threatened species and ecosystems, and turning that information into knowledge to inform policies and action. This award is a recognition of this group effort, and the many people behind research and conservation of biodiversity in Venezuela and beyond. It is the stimulus that keeps us going.”
2026 TWAS Award in Chemical Sciences
USD10,000 and a plaque
Winner: Jie Zeng of China
“For his significant breakthroughs in CO₂ conversion techniques, providing new insights into catalytic mechanisms, developing new catalysts, and optimizing catalytic processes.”

Jie Zeng is the vice president of Anhui University of Technology and a chair professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He earned his bachelor’s degree and PhD at USTC and has a passion for the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide. In that field, he has published 264 papers in journals such as Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Catalysis, Nature Energy, Nature Synthesis, and Nature Sustainability.
“Receiving the TWAS Award is a tremendous honour that acknowledges years of dedication to the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide,” said Zeng. “It opens doors for further collaborations and resources, allowing me to pursue more ambitious both fundamental and practical projects. It is a milestone that will undoubtedly propel my career, driving me to pursue even greater strides in catalysis.”
2026 TWAS Award in Earth, Climate and Environmental Sciences
USD10,000 and a plaque
Winner: Meththika Suharshini Vithanage of Sri Lanka
“For her groundbreaking research on converting biological waste into biochar and nanobiochar, transforming environmental remediation through advanced modeling and meticulous experimentation.”

Meththika Vithanage is a Professor and the founder of the Ecosphere Resilience Research Centre at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Named a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate and listed in the top 2% of global scientists from 2017 to date, she specializes in hydrogeochemistry, emerging contaminants and environmental remediation. Her impactful research spans over 275 Science Citation Indexed articles, 8 co-edited books and significant collaborations with institutions worldwide.
“Being recognized with the 2026 TWAS Award in Earth, Climate & Environmental Sciences is a profound honour that highlights the significance of environmental research at a global level,” said Vithanage. “This recognition not only affirms the impact of my work but also opens new doors for collaboration, allowing me to further drive research that addresses urgent climate and environmental challenges. It is a powerful motivator to continue advancing science for sustainable development and resilience.”
2026 TWAS Award in Engineering & Computer Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Carlos Ricardo Soccol of Brazil
“For developing sustainable bioprocesses to produce biofuels and biochemicals, including CO₂ mitigation from industrial wastes using circular economy engineering and biorefinery concepts.”

Carlos Ricardo Soccol is head of the Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology Division of the Technology Sector at the Federal University of Parana in Brazil. His research area over almost 35 years has been developing new sustainable technological processes to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions in industrial plants, as well as recycling solid and liquid wastes for use as raw material to produce new bioproducts for food, animal feed, agriculture industries, biofuel industries and human and animal health.
“I am delighted to be nominated for the TWAS Award in Engineering & Computer Sciences,” said Soccol. “I would like to share this honour with my family, my fellow scientists and students from our School of Bioprocess Engineering, and my partner scientists from other countries. This award, due to its wide visibility, will certainly encourage us to continue our work to contribute to the reduction of industrial and human pollution on the planet.”
2026 TWAS Award in Engineering & Computer Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Suman Chakraborty of India
“For his seminal work in micro- and nanoscale flows, enabling innovations in diagnostic technologies and improving rural livelihoods and healthcare access for marginalized populations.”

Suman Chakraborty is institute chair professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, and a Sir J.C. Bose National Fellow of the Department of Science and Technology of India. Based on his outstanding research contributions, he has also featured in the list of top 100 Researchers across all disciplines in Asia in 2023. He has been the recipient of the coveted Santi Swaroop Bhatnagar Prize, elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the ASME, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and a Fellow of all the Indian National Academies of Science and Engineering.
“This recognition will inspire me to pursue even greater scientific and technological milestones, focusing not merely on academic excellence but on creating innovative solutions to critical global challenges that benefit underserved communities,” said Chakroborty. “It will likely increase the visibility of my work on technology development aimed at improving health and well-being for disadvantaged populations. Additionally, it will foster collaboration that drives impactful technological innovations, enhancing quality of life on a global scale.”
2026 TWAS Award in Mathematical Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Henrique Bursztyn of Brazil
“For his contributions to Poisson geometry, including Dirac structures, Lie groupoids, higher Lie theory, and connections to deformation quantization.”

Henrique Bursztyn is a mathematician specializing in symplectic and Poisson geometry and has been a professor at the National Institute of Applied and Pure Mathematics (IMPA) in Brazil since 2005. A native of Rio de Janeiro, he studied at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro before earning his PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley in the United States of America in 2001. Bursztyn was a Fulbright scholar in 2018, and is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
“I am truly honoured to receive the TWAS prize,” said Bursztyn. “This recognition reflects years of mentoring and contributing to building a research group in Brazil, and it motivates me to keep advancing this work.”
2026 TWAS Award in Mathematical Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Fu Jixiang of China
“For his fundamental contributions in complex geometry, including groundbreaking solutions to the Hull-Strominger system on non-Kaehler manifolds, deeply connected to mathematical physics.”

Fu Jixiang is a professor of mathematics at Fudan University and a chair professor at the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences. He earned his PhD from Hangzhou University and specializes in complex geometry. Fu was invited to deliver a 45-minute address at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad, India, and received the Shiing Shen Chern Mathematics Award from the Chinese Mathematical Society.
“It is a great honour to receive this prestigious award, and I am deeply grateful to TWAS for recognizing my contributions to the field of complex geometry,” said Fu. “It offers an excellent opportunity for me to further explore new areas.”
2026 TWAS Award in Medical & Health Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Bushra Ateeq of India
“For pioneering molecular characterization of cancer and alternative therapies with significant clinical and translational potential.”

Bushra Ateeq is a professor of biological sciences and bioengineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and presently serves as dean of international relations. Her research focuses on understanding cancer pathogenesis and discovering clinical biomarkers and new drug targets. She grew up in Bareilly, a city in Northern India, and thereafter pursued her education at Aligarh Muslim University in India, followed by extensive postdoctoral training at McGill University in Canada and the University of Michigan in the United States of America.
“I am honoured to be selected for the TWAS Award,” said Ateeq. “Being part of the TWAS community would provide me with an excellent platform to foster initiatives focused on addressing global challenges linked to cancer disparities, influence policies to reduce cancer risks, and improve cancer screening and treatment. This recognition would offer new opportunities to collaborate globally, improve funding prospects, and enhance peer networks.”
2026 TWAS Award in Medical & Health Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Ester Sabino of Brazil
“For her outstanding contributions to understanding the natural history of Chagas disease, virus epidemics, and blood safety in Brazil.”

Ester Sabino is a full professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of São Paolo, and a scientist at the Municipal University of São Caetano (USCS) in Brazil. She earned her medical degree in 1984, specializing in pediatrics, and in 1993 completed a PhD in immunology. Over the years, she has contributed to various research fields, beginning with HIV viral diversity, then advancing to blood safety, Chagas disease, and sickle cell anemia. Recently her focus has shifted to epidemic response (from Zika to COVID-19).
“Conducting scientific research is challenging when resources and infrastructure are limited,” said Sabino. “This is why awards like this, which focus on developing countries, are invaluable—they contribute to making science more visible and accessible in these countries. I am deeply honoured and grateful for this recognition.”
2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Ding Hong of China
“For his seminal contributions to discoveries of the Weyl fermion and other novel topology-related quasiparticles in solids.”

Hong Ding is a chair professor of Tsung-Dao Lee Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. His research area is experimental condensed matter physics. He has published more than 300 papers with total citations over 20,000. He received the Sloan Research Fellowship Award in 1999, and Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020.
“Winning this TWAS Award is a great honour for me, since it fully recognizes my contributions to discoveries of Weyl fermion and other novel topology-related quasiparticles in solids,” said Ding. “It will further motivate me to find more elusive topological quasiparticles in the material world, especially Majorana fermion and Majorana zero mode.”
2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Satishchandra Ogale of India
“For his innovative research in sustainable development, applying advanced functional materials physics to energy harvesting, storage, and conservation.”

Satishchandra Ogale is director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE) in Kolkata, India, and emeritus professor of the Indian Institution of Science and Education Research (IISER), Pune. He has had a long and outstanding research career of over 45 years in materials physics, and has won various awards and honours for his work. He is an elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Science and has worked with industries on projects in the field of sustainable energy. He is also a popular science writer.
“The recognition in the form of the prestigious international TWAS Award is an exceptional honour and will enthuse younger researchers willing to work hard towards the upliftment of science and scientific research in their own developing countries,” said Ogale. “It will also help me and others work with enhanced energy and enthusiasm on various sustainable development goals (SDGs), which embody the congruence of fundamental and translational sciences.”
2026 TWAS Award in Social Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Fang Chuanglin of China
“For his fundamental contributions to understanding the interaction between urbanization and the ecological environment, and promoting sustainable development of urban agglomerations in China.”

Fang Chuanglin is a professor at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He specializes in the intersection of urbanization and ecosystems, driven by a passion for solving practical problems through innovative approaches. His research has made a meaningful impact on advancing China’s new urbanization, fostering the sustainable development of urban agglomerations, and “Beautiful China” construction.
“This recognition is a powerful affirmation of my efforts and dedication, motivating me to continue pursuing breakthroughs and innovations in promoting the coupling mechanism between urbanization and ecology, sustainable development of urban clusters, as well as the ‘Beautiful China’ construction,” said Fang. “It will bring me more new opportunities for collaboration, enhance my academic influence, and inspire me to make more meaningful contributions in the future.”
2026 TWAS Award in Social Sciences (shared)
USD5,000 and a plaque
Winner: Jomo Kwame Sundaram of Malaysia
“For advancing interdisciplinary understanding of the political economy of sustainable development, especially addressing health, nutrition, governance, income, wealth, investment, industrial policy, and technology policy in developing countries.”

Jomo Kwame Sundaram is research adviser at the Khazanah Research Institute in Malaysia, and Fellow of the Academy of Science of Malaysia, and Emeritus Professor of the University of Malaya. He was the founder-chair of International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development (2005-2012), and assistant director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2012-2015). He received the 2007 Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought.
“The award is special as it recognises my career path, which I have devoted to overcoming obstacles to inclusive and sustainable development in the Global South,” said Jomo. “In the UN system, I also tried to create the conditions for better mutual understanding and multilateral cooperation and solidarity. Now, I try to improve and promote popular understanding of the often-complex challenges we face in the global South.”