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TWAS 2010 Young Affiliates selected

TWAS 2010 Young Affiliates selected

Each year, TWAS's five Regional Offices select up to five excellent young scientists (below the age of 40) to be come 'TWAS Young Affiliates'.

TWAS's five Regional Offices have completed the selection of this year's 25 Young Affiliates, bringing the total to 98.

The programme, which began in 2007, seeks to identify the best young scientists in each region of the developing world and provide them with opportunities to network with one another, with TWAS Fellows, and to attend international conferences and other events for young scientists.

The appointments are made for a period of five years (covering five TWAS General Meetings).

TWAS Young Affiliates must be aged 40 or less on 1 January of the year in which they are selected. They must also have demonstrated a good publication record with at least 10 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and should be living and working in a developing country for at least the past two years.

  • Ismunandar of Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia
  • Li Yin of Chinese Academy of Sciences in China
  • Santi Maensiri of Khon Kaen University in Thailand
  • Maricor Soriano of University of the Philippines in the Philippines
  • Chin-Ping Tan of Universiti Putra Malaysia in Malaysia
  • Krishna Prasad Devotka of Tribhuvan University in Nepal
  • Balasubramaniam Gopal of Indian Institute of Science in India
  • Jayakannan of Indian institute of Science Education and Research in India
  • Muhammad Kamruzzaman of Centre for Health and Population Research in Bangladesh
  • Muhammad Raza Shah of H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences in Pakistan
  • Talal F. Al-Azemi of Kuwait University in Kuwait
  • Ahmad Juma Al-Salman of Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sultan Qaboos University in Oman
  • Youcef Bentoutou of Centre des Techniques Spatiales in Algeria
  • Rym Kefi Ben Atig of Pasteur Institute of Tunis in Tunisia
  • Amal Amin Ibrahim Shendi Nada of National Research Centre in Egypt
  • Chukwuocha Uchechukwu Madukaku of Department of Public Health Technology, Federal University of Technology, Imo State in Nigeria
  • Ishmael B. Masesane of Chemistry Department, University of Botswana in Botswana
  • Jeninah Karungi-Tumutegyereize of Crop Science Department, Makerere University in Uganda
  • Peter C. Okafor of Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Calabar in Nigeria
  • Christine M. Steenkamp of Physics Department, University of Stellenbosch in South Africa
  • Mauricio Calderon of Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Santiago in Chile
  • Jaime Costales Cordero of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Ecuador
  • Yraima Cordeiro of Faculdade de Farmácia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
  • Rogerio Panizzutti of Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
  • Marvadeen Singh-Wilmot of Chemistry Department, University of the West Indies in Jamaica

TWAS Young Affiliates:

  • will be invited to attend all TWAS General Meetings and General Conferences;
  • are entitled to attend TWAS General Meetings as observers, i.e. they will be permitted to participate in the discussions, but will not have any voting rights;
  • will be invited to attend regional meetings of TWAS Fellows organized by the Regional Offices;
  • will be invited to participate in the activities of TWAS national chapters in their home countries (if such a chapter is active);
  • will receive copies of TWAS publications such as the TWAS Newsletter, Year Book, Annual Report etc.;
  • will have their biodata published in an annual Young Affiliates Year Book, to be made available at each TWAS General Meeting;
  • are eligible for TWAS Prizes (unlike full TWAS members);
  • are encouraged to provide feedback to TWAS on how the Academy can respond to the needs of young scientists in developing countries;
  • are encouraged to provide information about TWAS programmes to their students and colleagues;
  • are encouraged to seek out and nominate excellent scientists from developing countries, especially science- and technology-lagging countries, for TWAS awards;
  • are encouraged to seek out excellent scientists from science- and technology-lagging countries and recommend their nomination for TWAS membership (via a full member of the Academy).