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Seeking young physician leaders

Seeking young physician leaders

The Interacademy Medical Panel (IAMP) is seeking candidates to participate in the 2013 Young Physician Leaders Programme in Berlin during the World Health Summit in October. The deadline for nominations is 1 July.

Seeking young physician leadersThe programme will have two parts:

  • 18 October: A specific leadership development programme focused on models of leadership, with the aim of developing an individual action plan for personal leadership growth.
  • 20-22 October: Participation as special guest at the World Health Summit.

The aim of the programme is to foster a new generation of leaders in global health. Nominations of women are especially encouraged.

Candidates should be under 40 years of age with demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in clinical medicine, medical education, public health or health policy.

The organizers is seeking individuals who show great promise for leadership in their chosen careers and in their fields in the future. They should be enthusiastic, with outstanding communication skills and the ability, desire and personality to represent the medical profession well when interacting with the outstanding professionals from multiple sectors who will be attending the Summit.

Nominations will be accepted from IAMP member academies and members of the “M8 Alliance”, IAP members and other designated institutions.

The selection will be carried out by a scientific committee of medical and scientific professionals chaired by the IAMP Co-Chairs.

Download the Young Physician Leaders nomination form and the programme's 2013 flyer.

IAMP, a network of the world's medical academies and medical sections of academies of science and engineering, is committed to improving health world-wide. The IAMP was established in 2000 and it currently has 70 member academies world-wide. The goals of the IAMP are to strengthen the capacity of academies to provide evidence-based advice to governments on health and science policy; to support the creation of new academies; to support the creation of projects by member academies to strengthen research and higher education in their countries; and to issue consensus statements on matters of importance to global health.