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Secure food for all: challenges and solutions

Secure food for all: challenges and solutions

TWAS President Mohamed H.A. Hassan is among the speakers in a webinar on food security, organized by the University of Arizona in the frame of the 2021 "Science, Health and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy Initiative"

Agrotechnology, biotechnology, insect physiology, biodiversity and sustainable development are some of the topics that will hold centre stage on 22 and 25 June at two webinars organized by the College of Engineering of The University of Arizona in the frame of the 2021 "Science, Health and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy Initiative."

The events pave the way for the United Nations Food Systems Pre-Summit, on 26–28 July in Rome, and for the 2021 Food Systems Summit planned next September in New York City, convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in the frame of the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

In the two webinars, pre-eminent leaders, scientists and experts will debate about "Global Food Security Challenges" (22 June) and "Global Food Security Solutions" (25 June). Mohamed H. A. Hassan, TWAS President and the Vice-Chair of the Scientific Group of the 2021 United Nations Food Summit, is among the speakers.

Major challenges that cross political borders with a potential impact on any country leave no one unaffected. Building a network of scientists and scholars who can provide sound advice and support policymakers and decision makers represents a step ahead towards global cooperation, with possible positive repercussions on global health, energy, education, water and food.

The Food Systems Summit aims at delivering the latest evidence-based approach to food systems transformation by urging stakeholders to provide inputs on how to build a fairer, healthier and environment-friendly agrifood system. Their suggestions could be instrumental for making progress in the achievement of the SDGs.

The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) sponsors the "Science, Health and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy Initiative", along with the InterAcademy Partnership. Participation is free and attendees can ask questions.

For the 22 June webinar register here:
For the 25 June webinar register here: