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Secrets of a successful start-up

Secrets of a successful start-up

A workshop – 'Sharing the Start-Up Experience' – will be held 13-15 October at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem. The event is co-sponsored by IAP, the global network of science academies.

Secrets of a successful start-up Global Young Academy (GYA) members and other early career scientists and engineers who have their PhDs and are working in Asia have a unique opportunity to develop their business skills and creativity. On 13-15 October, 25 aspiring entrepreneurs can attend the first workshop on 'Sharing the Start-Up Experience'. 

The workshop is hosted and organized by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH), and sponsored by the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA); GYA; and IAP, the global network of science academies. IAP, based in Trieste, Italy, is a partner of TWAS.

The workshop will focus on strategies to launch start-up companies, emphasizing their importance as a means of improving local economies and linking science to society. 

In addition, the workshop will aim at being instrumental to growing a new class of young Asian entrepreneurs. Nobel laureate Dan Shechtman, a member of IASH, will lead the workshop, providing attendees with hints on entrepreneurs’ language and style, as well as on the best way to organize and manage fund-raising initiatives to support a start-up.  

Learn more about the programme and how to attend, and then be sure to apply by 1 July.

For more information, contact Bob Lapidot (email: boblap[at]