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Nominations open for 2014 TWAS-Lenovo prize

Nominations open for 2014 TWAS-Lenovo prize

Prize honours elite scientific achievement in the developing world

TWAS is now accepting nominations for the 2014 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize, one of the most prestigious honours given to scientists in the developing world. This year’s prize is in the biological sciences. 

The deadline for nominations is 22 May 2014, the United Nations' International Day for Biological Diversity. The winner will receive USD100,000.

Lenovo is a USD34 billion personal technology company and the largest PC company in the world, serving customers in more than 160 countries. The rapid growth Lenovo has recently experienced in emerging markets has prompted the company to partner with TWAS to sponsor the prize and give international recognition and visibility to individual scientists in the developing world for their outstanding scientific achievements.

This is the second year of the prize. Last year’s prize in physics and astronomy was awarded to Chilean theoretical physicist Claudio Bunster Weitzman for his contributions to understanding gravity and the quirky physics of tiny, fundamental particles of matter.

Nominations are invited from TWAS members, selected individuals, science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions. Nominations of women scientists are particularly encouraged. Self-nominations cannot not be accepted. Eligible candidates must be nationals of developing countries, living and working in the South for at least 10 years. The prizes will only be awarded for scientific work of outstanding international merit carried out by individuals in developing countries. 

More information and the nominations form are available for download below.