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Office: +39 040 2240-324

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New opportunities for researchers from LDCs in the State of São Paulo

New opportunities for researchers from LDCs in the State of São Paulo

FAPESP and UNESCO-TWAS collaborate on a new programme for fellowships and research grants

Up to 175 researchers from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) will have the opportunity to carry out research in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. These fellowships emerge from a new collaboration between UNESCO-TWAS and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

FAPESP is a public foundation whose mission is to support research projects in higher education and research institutions, as well as large research programmes in areas such as biodiversity, bioenergy, and climate change.

On 5 October 2023, TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi and FAPESP president Marco Antonio Zago signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will provide researchers from LDCs with up to 35 fellowships per year, tenable in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Of these, up to 20 will be for postdoctoral research and 15 for PhDs. The fellowship awards will be carried out in host institutions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, of a duration from six to 24 months for the postdoctoral fellowships, and a duration up to 4 years for the PhD fellowships.

Murenzi and Zago
Prof. Romain Murenzi, TWAS Executive Director (left), and Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)

In addition to the above, FAPESP and TWAS will also offer up to 5 grants per year to young Principal Investigators from LDCs to set up a scientific laboratory in a host institution in the state of São Paulo and constitute a team of student researchers to assist in the project.

“World-class research takes place in the State of São Paulo, and I am sure that the researchers from LDCs who will spend time carrying out their work there will greatly benefit from its lively scientific community and interdisciplinary outlook,” said TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi.

“TWAS can have a crucial role in creating and maintaining collaborations between researchers and research institutions in São Paulo state with those in the developing world. As such our cooperation with these regions should grow and be strengthened through this partnership,” added and FAPESP President Marco Antonio Zago.

Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President
Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)

The signing of the MoU took place during a visit of a FAPESP delegation to TWAS offices in Trieste, Italy. Delegates discussed the strong ties and collaboration between TWAS and Brazil, exploring opportunities for further enhancement.

Details on how to apply to this scheme will be soon available online at

Giovanni Ortolani


More photos about the visit of the FAPESP delegation are available here and on the TWAS Flickr page.

From left: Prof. Carlos Américo Pacheco, FAPESP Executive Director, Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President, and Prof. Romain Murenzi, TWAS Executive Director. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
Murenzi, Zago, Pacheco, FAPESP visit
From left: Prof. Romain Murenzi, TWAS Executive Director, Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President, and Prof. Carlos Américo Pacheco, FAPESP Executive Director. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
Murenzi_Zago_Pacheco sitting
From left: Prof. Romain Murenzi, TWAS Executive Director, Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President, and Prof. Carlos Américo Pacheco, FAPESP Executive Director. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
Prof. Carlos Américo Pacheco, FAPESP Executive Director. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
Prof. Nathan Berkovits (left), Director of ICTP American Institute for Fundamental Research, and Prof. Rugerio Rosenfeld, Vice Director, ICTP-SAIFR. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
7_Colli_Soares dos Santos
Prof. Leandro Colli, FAPESP Scientific Director Advisor (left), and Dr. Fernanda Maria Soares dos Santos, Diplomat at the Embassy of Brazil in Rome. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)
8_FAPESP visiting TWAS
From left: Prof. Romain Murenzi, TWAS Executive Director, Prof. Nathan Berkovits, Director of ICTP American Institute for Fundamental Research, Prof. Leandro Colli, FAPESP Scientific Director Advisor, Prof. Carlos Américo Pacheco, FAPESP Executive Director, and Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, FAPESP President. (Photo: G. Ortolani/TWAS)