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Via Beirut, 6
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Office: +39 040 2240-538

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New fellowship agreement with CIIT

New fellowship agreement with CIIT

TWAS and the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) have signed an agreement that will allow postgraduate students, postdocs and visiting scholars to study at CIIT in Pakistan.

New fellowship agreement with CIITFounded in 1998, the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) offers 30 undergraduate degree programmes and 37 graduate programmes to the 23,000 students enrolled across its seven fully-functional campuses.

The agreement with CIIT allows for PhD students from developing countries to undertake either part (sandwich option) or all (full-time option) of their postgraduate studies at one of CIIT's top-class facilities in Pakistan. Likewise, postdoctoral researchers within five years of obtaining their PhD can spend between six and 12 months at CIIT, while more senior scientists can opt for the visiting scholar programme that allows visits of between one and three months.

This new agreement with CIIT brings the number of programme partners in the TWAS South-South fellowships programme to 15.

The call for applications is currently open and the deadline is 31 August.