
Press room

Giovanni Ortolani
Public Information Officer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 112
Office: +39 040 2240-324

Cristina Serra
Staff writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 113
Phone: +39 040 2240-429
Mobile: +39 338 430-5210

Sean Treacy
Staff Writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room T8/2
Office: +39 040 2240-538

General contact:

TWAS Newsletter
The Academy's quarterly magazine.

Global leadership skills for young physicians

Global leadership skills for young physicians

The InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP) is seeking candidates to participate in the 2014 Young Physician Leaders Programme in Berlin during the World Health Summit in October. The deadline to apply is 11 July.

The programme is designed to help young physicians throughout the world develop the leadership skills needed to manage modern-day global health issues. It will be held on 17-18 October 2014 in conjunction with the annual World Health Summit in Berlin, Germany, 19-22 October 2014. More information and the application form are available online.

IAMP is closely associated with TWAS, which hosts the panel's secretariat in Trieste, Italy.