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Fifty-two new TWAS members

Fifty-two new TWAS members

TWAS announced today the election of 52 new Members.

Fifty-two new TWAS members

The election took place at the Academy's 24th General Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday, 1 October 2013. The forty-six new Fellows and six Associate Fellows from 19 countries bring the total TWAS Membership to 1115. Six new members are women. Thirty-six members hail from Brazil (11), China (9), India (12) and Taiwan, China (4); sixteen live and work in Australia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Ethiopia, France, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, South Korea, Tanzania, Thailand, the UK, the US, Venezuela and Vietnam (2).

The new TWAS members, who will be inducted at the Academy's 25th General Meeting in 2014, are:

01-Agricultural Sciences

  • AZEVEDO, Ricardo Antunes de (Brazil): b. 12-1-1961. PhD, Professor, Department of Genetics, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Azevedo has contributed to the understanding of amino acids metabolism in cereal crops which also allowed the production of better balanced cereal seeds for human and animal consumption and to the understanding of plant (particularly crops species) stress responses to heavy metals contamination. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he was the recipient of several Productivity Research Fellowships of CNPq and the Jabuti Book Award. – Elected as Fellow
  • KHAN, Zeyaur Rahman (India): b. 7-2-1955. PhD, Principal Scientist and Leader, Habitat Management Programme, icipe - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya. Khan is known for his discovery and wide-scale implementation of the Push-Pull technology and its subsequent adaptation to climate change for enhancing food security and environmental sustainability for small-holder cereal-livestock African farmers through integrated management of stemborers, parasitic striga weeds and soil fertility, while providing quality fodder in cereal-livestock farming systems. Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, he received the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Entomological Society of America, the Nan-Yao Su Award for Innovation and Creativity in Entomology and the Thomas Odhiambo Distinguished Research Fellow honour. He received the TWAS 2011 Prize in Agriculture. –Elected as Fellow
  • SECK, Papa Abdoulaye (Senegal): b. 16-7-1955. PhD, Director General, AfricaRice, Africa Rice Center, Cotonou, Benin. Seck predicted the 2008 rice crisis in Africa (early 2007) and formulated priority actions to attenuate its effects. He provided quantitative evidence that Africa can feed itself in terms of rice instead of relying on the world market. Member of the Senegal Academy of Sciences and the African Academy of Sciences, he received, among others, the Award of Recognition from the Agriculture Ministry of Mali, the United Nations Award as AfricaRice Director General. – Elected as Fellow
  • ZHU, Yuxian (China): b. 15-12-1955. PhD Professor, State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, Peking University, Beijing, China. By performing large-scale and in-depth analyses for genes that were specifically expressed during cotton ovule development, Zhu's group has revealed significant roles of ethylene, very long chain fatty acids and reactive oxygen species in fibre cell growth. Based on major progresses in cotton research, he proposed a linear cell-growth mode that modulates fibre elongation. Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhu has won three Second Class Awards and one First Class Award for Research from the State Council and Ministry of Education. – Elected as Fellow


02-Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology

  • CHENG, Soo-Chen (Taiwan, China): b. 26-9-1955. PhD, Director, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China. Cheng has identified a major protein complex as a marker of activated spliceosome and demonstrated chemical flexibility of the spliceosome. Her work identified several splicing factors required for catalytic steps and spliceosome disassembly, providing new mechanistic insights into remodeling of the spliceosome during catalytic steps. Academician of the Academia Sinica, she has been awarded the TWAS 2010 Prize in Biology, the National Science Council ‘Outstanding Award’ twice and the ‘Frontier Science Research Award’ among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • GOJOBORI, Takashi (Japan): b. 24-10-1951. PhD, Vice-Director, National Institute of Genetics, Center for Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan, Shizuoka, Japan. Gojobori is a pioneer in evolutionary genomics. He discovered the million fold increased rate of nucleotide substitution in retroviruses. He developed a method in which number of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions are estimated from the nucleotide sequences. Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Academia Europaea, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, he has received the Medal with Purple Ribbon from the Government of Japan, the Kihara Medal Society Prize, the Gaetano Salvatore Gold Medal, the Science Award from Japan Science and Technology Corporation, among others. – Elected as Associate Fellow
  • HSIEH, Tao-Shih (Taiwan, China): b. 16-3-1948. PhD, Director, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China. Hsieh has made many outstanding contributions to the field of DNA topoisomerases and chromatin dynamics. His work identified, purified and characterized a eukaryotic type II DNA topoisomerase from Drosophila, providing a mechanistic basis for the induction of DNA breaks by many powerful anticancer drugs. Academician of the Academia Sinica, among others, he received the American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Research Award. – Elected as Fellow
  • NADER, Helena B. (Brazil): b. 5-11-1947. PhD, Head, Molecular Biology Program, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. Nader has been involved in phylogenetic studies, occurrence and structural characterization of heparin sulfates and heparins, being the first to show the unequivocal presence of heparin sulfate in tissue-organized life forms. Her studies led to elucidating the biological role and pharmacological activities of these complex polymers. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, São Paulo State Academy of Sciences, among others, she has received the Moacyr Alvaro Golden Medal, the Great Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit of Brazil. – Elected as Fellow
  • UDGAONKAR, Jayant (India): b. 22-3-1960. PhD, Senior Professor, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, GKVK Campus, Bangalore, India. Udgaonkar most significant recent work is experimental validation of the dry molten globule hypothesis which describes how proteins begin to unfold. In addition, the experimental demonstration that protein folding and unfolding reactions can occur as gradual diffusive processes, and not as all-or-none reactions as commonly believed. Fellow of Indian National Science Academy and the Indian Academy of Sciences, he has received, among others, the BM Birla Award for Biology, the Bhatnagar Prize for Biological Sciences and the GN Ramachandran Gold Medal. – Elected as Fellow


03-Biological Systems and Organisms

  • GILANI, Anwar (Pakistan): b.4-4-1955. Ph.D., HEC Distinguished National Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Biological & Biomedical Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan. A natural product pharmacologist, Gilani has developed himbacine as a prototype of cardioselective antimuscarinic drug. He has also shown that extracts of turmeric and of fumaria have vasoconstrictor and Cs antagonist substances. Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, he has won the TWAS Abdus Salam Prize in Biology (1992), the Ibn-al-Hayatham Prize in Science (1994), the Agha Khan Abedi Gold Medal in Medical Sciences (2000) and the Boehringer International Research Award (1988). – Elected as Fellow
  • KHURANA, Jitendra Paul (India): b. 30-10-1954. PhD, Professor, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi, India. Khurana has made seminal contributions in the area of photoperception and signal transduction. His pioneering work on Arabidopsis mutants led to the identification of a blue light receptor, phototropin1. He actively contributed to the sequencing of rice and tomato genomes, and identified genes regulating flowering and abiotic stress responses. Fellow of all 3 science academies of India, he has won the Birbal Sahni Medal 2011, Tata Innovation Fellowship 2010, and the Maheshwari Award 2008. – Elected as Fellow
  • LACERDA, Luiz Drude (Brazil): b. 28-6-1956. PhD, Professor, Instituto de Ciências do Mar, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Lacerda has contributed to biogeochemical mechanisms controlling trace-metals fate in mangrove ecosystems, its potential for mitigating pollution and the response to global climate change. He evaluated Hg contamination in the Amazon, its impact on humans, response to land use change and the importance to the global Hg cycle. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has received the 2011 Prêmio Fundação Bunge, among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • LEE, Sang Yup (Republic of Korea): b. 12-4-1964. PhD, Distinguished Professor, Dean and Director, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Lee led to establishment of the field of systems metabolic engineering and its use in developing microbial strains and bioprocesses capable of producing succinic acid, butanol, propanol, 1.4-diaminobutane, 1.5 diaminopentane, polyhydroxyalkanoates, polylactic acid, ultra high molecular weight spider silk, quantum dots and metal nanoparticles from renewable resources. Fellow of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering USA, Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea and of various associations, he has received the First Young Scientist’s Award, the First Elmer-Garden Award, the SeJongDaeWang Award and the National Order of Merit by the President of Korea, among others. –Elected as Associate Fellow
  • SUKUMAR, Raman (India): b. 3-4-1955. PhD, Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. Sukumar is an internationally recognized leader in the study of the ecology, behavior and conservation of elephants. He has been a pioneer at investigating the ecological relationship between elephants and people with a view to promoting their coexistence, as well as the conservation of tropical forest biodiversity. Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy and the Indian Academy of Sciences, he received, among others, the International Cosmos Prize and Commendation from the Prime Minister of India for contributing to the IPCC that shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. – Elected as Fellow


04-Medical and Health Sciences incl. Neurosciences

  • ASEFFA, Abraham (Ethiopia): b. 9-6-1959. PhD, Scientific Director, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, All Africa Leprosy and Tb Rehabilitation and Training Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Aseffa developed a live attenuated ovine listeria vaccine and was first to report regulatory T cell role in infection (murine Leishmania model). He described Lineage 7 of M. tuberculosis restricted to Ethiopia, contributed to TB research and clinical trial capacity building in Ethiopia. Member of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, among others, he has received the Gold Medal of Merit and Gold Medal, Senior Public Health Research Award, both from the Ethiopian Medical Association. – Elected as Fellow
  • BARRETO, Mauricio L. (Brazil): b. 29-5-1954. PhD, Professor, Collective Health Institute, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Barreto has contributed to the understanding of S. mansoni infection in northeast Brazil and understanding of the mechanism of Vitamin A effect on childhood morbidity and mortality; He also made contributions to epidemiology of allergy and asthma in Latin America. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Bahia, among others, he has received the Altana Prize in Health Research, the Pirajá da Silva Medal from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Commander, Order of Medical Merit from the President of Brazil. – Elected as Fellow
  • CHEAH, Kathryn Song Eng (Malaysia): b. 2-1-1950. PhD, Chair Professor, Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong, China. Cheah was first to show, in vivo, that the transcription factor SOX9 directly regulates COL2A1. She showed that SOX2 is essential for prosensory development in the inner ear and discovered a new mechanism of adaptation by chondrocytes to endoplasmic reticulum stress with implications for the pathogenesis of skeletal disorders. Member of several biological and biochemical societies, she has received the Outstanding Research Output Award twice and was awarded the Croucher Foundation Senior Fellowship in 2000. – Elected as Fellow
  • LO, Yuk Ming Dennis (China): b. 12-10-1963. PhD, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Chemical Pathology and Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. Lo discovered the presence of cell-free fetal DNA, RNA and miRNA in the plasma of pregnant women creating a paradigm shift in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. He elucidated the fundamental characteristics of such molecules, developed the technologies for their analysis, conceptualized and brought their use to a reality. Fellow of the UK Royal Society and member of the Royal colleges of physicians an pathologists, he has received the Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize in 2012, AACC-NACB Award for Outstanding Contributions, the Silver Bauhinia Star, the Chemical Pioneer Award the US National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Distinguished Scientist Award and the Cheung Kong Scholars Achievement Award of the Chinese Ministry of Education, among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • MEHRA, Narinder Kumar (India): b. 4-11-1949. PhD, Professor and Head, Department of Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics, All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Mehra has made contributions to defining the genomic diversity of HLA in the Indian population, understanding the impact of HLA linked genes and other immunogenetic factors in governing susceptibility to autoimmune (type 1 diabetes and celiac disease) and infectious (pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV) diseases and on the immunogiology of organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Member of the Indian National Science Academy, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad and Member honoris causa of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he has received the 17th Khwarizmi International Award conferred by the President of the I.R. Iran and the Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite awarded by the President of France. – Elected as Fellow
  • MOHAN, Viswanathan (India): b. 10-4-1954. PhD, President & Chief of Diabetes Research, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, and Chairman & Chief Diabetologist, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, Chennai, India. Mohan has established the criteria for Fibrocalculous Pancreatic Diabetes and described its natural history. He developed Indian Diabetes Risk Score, Identified novel gene mutations in monogenic forms of diabetes and novel gene variants in type 2 diabetes in S. Asians. Member of the three Indian science academies, among others, he has received the Wockhardt Award for Medical Excellence by Harvard Medical International, the Dr. BC Roy National Award by the Medical Council of India and the Basanti Devi Amir Chand Prize by ICMR, India, among others. – Elected as Fellow


05-Chemical Sciences

  • AMATORE, Christian (France): b. 9-12-1951. PhD, Director of Research, CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Department of Chemistry, Paris, France. Amatore has contributed to theoretical and experimental developments of molecular and analytical electrochemistry at ultramicroelectrodes: diffusional transport, mechanisms and biological applications. His significant work also includes mechanism of molecular activation in organic and organometallic chemistry by single electron transfer and mechanisms of organometallic catalysis by palladium complexes (C-C bond formation). Academician of the French Academy of Sciences and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, he has received, the Silver Award of CNRS, the ‘La Case’ Prize of the French Academy of Sciences and the Louis de Broglie Medal of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy, among others. – Elected as Associate Fellow
  • BOLZANI, Vanderlan da Silva (Brazil): b. 19-11-1950. PhD, Full Professor, Natural Products Chemistry, UNESP, University of Sao Paulo, Araraquara, SP, Brazil. Bolzani has been instrumental in consolidating natural products research in Brazil. She has identified a lead molecule, through semi-synthesis of a natural alkaloid, which is being pre-clinical tested for Alzheimer’s disease. Her work also includes investigations into herbal medicines of Brazil. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, she has won the Distinguished Woman in Science (Chemistry and Chemical Engg) Award of IUPAC and ACS, 2011, and earlier the Young Scientist Award of CNPq, Brazil. – Elected as Fellow
  • CHATTARAJ, Pratim Kumar (India): b. 26-4-1958. PhD, Professor and Head, Chemistry Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. A theoretical chemist who works on aspects of structure, properties, reactivity and dynamics within the broad framework of density based quantum mechanics, Chattaraj's work has wide-ranging implications in the chemistry and physics of atoms, molecules, clusters and solids. Fellow of all three science academies of India, he has won the BM Birla Prize and the CRSI and the BC Deb Memorial Medals. – Elected as Fellow
  • CHEN, Xiao-Ming (China): b. 5-10-1961. PhD, Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. Chen has contributed to functional coordination chemistry and crystal engineering of coordination polymers, in particular, in hydrothermal/solvothermal in situ metal/ligand reactions and design, structures and functionally of metal-organic frameworks with real zeolite topologies and dynamic behaviours. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has received the TWAS 2012 Prize in Chemistry, the National Natural Science Award of China and two distinguished young scientist awards, among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • GAO, Song (China): b. 1-2-1964. PhD, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Materials Chemistry and Applications, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China. Gao’s H-index is 56 now. His main contributions are: 1. Development of new strategies towards single-chain magnets; 2. Evolving single-molecule magnets; 3. Introducing ferroelectricity to molecular magnets; 4. Exploration of magnetic coupling and ordering in molecular magnets; and 5. Expansion of molecular compounds to monodisperse magnetic nanocrystals. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won several awards, the latest being the 2011 National Natural Science Award of China. – Elected as Fellow
  • POLIAKOFF, Martyn (United Kingdom): b. 16-12-1947. PhD, DSc, Professor of Chemistry, The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Poliakoff has pioneered the use of supercritical fluids as replacements of traditional solvents, which contribute to both the hazards and wastes of most commercial chemical processes. He has been particularly active in promoting Green Chemistry in Africa. Fellow of the Royal Society UK, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Member of the Academia Europaea, he has received the Royal Society of Chemistry Nyholm Prize for Education, the Royal Society Leverhulme Gold Medal and the Queen’s Honour, among others. – Elected as Associate Fellow
  • TIAN, He (China): b. 22-7-1962. PhD, Dean of College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Cheung Kong Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. Tian a leading scientist in organic dyes chemistry and technology focusing on the optimized design and synthesis of functional dyes and their industrial applications, artificial molecular machines and organic fluorescent materials. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has received the Natural Science Award of China and the National Award of Science and Technology Progress of China. – Elected as Fellow

06-Engineering Sciences

  • ABBASOV, Ali (Azerbaijan): b. 1-1-1953. PhD, Academician and Professor, Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. Abbasov has achieved significant results in theoretical and practical basis of distributed intellectual systems. These are distributed knowledge bases with fuzzy relation structures, decision making and creation of expert systems, generating the methods of adaptation on fuzzy structured knowledge bases and proposal of a mathematical model of the systematic knowledge bases. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, he is Fellow of the IEEE and the Commissioner of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development. – Elected as Fellow
  • JAGADISH, Chennupati (Australia): b. 10-8-1957. PhD, Distinguished Professor and Austraian Laureate Fellow, Australian National University, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Electronic Materials Engineering Department, Canberra, Australia. Jagadish has made pioneering contributions to compound semiconductor optoelectronics and nanotechnology. His achievements include observation of ultra-low surface recombination velocity in InP nanowires probed by terahertz spectroscopy, removal of surface states and recovery of bandedge emission in ZB and WZ InAs nanowires through surface passivation, and observation of spin selective Purcell effect in quantum dot microcavity system. Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences (currently serving as Vice-President and secretary Physical Sciences) and of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, he has the rare distinction of having been elected as Fellow of both Australian Academies of Science and Engineering. He has received The IEEE Third Millennium Medal and the Peter Baume Award of the Australian National University, among others. – Elected as Associate Fellow
  • KUMAR, Anurag (India): b. 13-7-1955. PhD, Professor, Department of Electrical Communications Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Kumar has contributed to a range of problems in the stochastic modeling, performance analysis, optimization, and control of resource sharing in communications networks, and distributed system, that have had impact on industrial practice. Fellow of all three Indian science academies, he has received the CDAC-ACCS Foundation Award, the Alumni Award of the Indian Institute of Science and the President’s Gold Medal, L.N. Das Memorial Prize and Proficiency Prize from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. – Elected as Fellow
  • MALLIK, Ranjan Kumar (India): b. 15-11-1964. PhD, Brigadier Bhopinder Singh Chair Professor, IDRC Research Chair in Wireless Communications and Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. Mallik has made contributions to analysis and modeling of wireless communication systems on performance evaluation of multiple-input multiple output systems which serves as the basis for system design in IEEE802.11n and LTE mobile broadband. Fellow of the three Indian science academies and the Indian National Academy of Engineering, he has received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize and the the Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Research Award. – Elected as Fellow
  • MEI, Hong (China): b. 20-5-1963. PhD, Professor and Dean, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing, China. Mei has made notable contributions to Research, Development, Application and Standardization of Component-Based Software Engineering. Mei proposed a software architecture (SA) centric approach, called Architecture-Based Component Composition (ABC) for automating the development, deployment, maintenance and evolution of component-based software systems, spanning the whole software lifecycle. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has received the State Award for Science and Technology Progress, the State Award for Invention and the State Award for Natural Science, among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • SINGH, Bhim (India): b. 1-1-1956. PhD, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. Singh has contributed to the field of active power filters, distribution static compensators and three-phase multipulse ac-dc converters for power quality improvement. He has designed and developed voltage and frequency controllers of asynchronous generators in biomass, pico-hydro and wind energy conversion systems for stand alone power generation. Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences and Indian Academy of Science, he has received the JC Bose Memorial Award of IETE, the Maharashtra State National Award and the Khosla Research Prize of the University of Roorkee, among others. – Elected as Fellow


07-Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences

  • BICA, Eduardo Luiz Damiani (Brazil): b. 25-11-1956. PhD, Associate IV Professor, Department of Astronomy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Bica has established a new class of star clusters using infrared detectors. He played a fundamental role to physically characterize such very young clusters and several open clusters are named after him as discoverer. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has received the FAPERGS Award and the Scopus Award. – Elected as Fellow
  • KELLNER, Alexander Wilhelm Armin (Brazil): b. 26-9-1961. PhD, Professor and Curator, Museu Nacional/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Kellner's research on fossil vertebrates has contributed to a better understanding of the palaeobiodiversity that existed particularly during the Cretaceous period in several regions of the world, enhancing our knowledge of how vertebrate faunas evolved and how distinct ecosystems developed through deep time. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has been awarded the TWAS Prize 2010 in Earth Sciences, and the Ordem Nacional do Merito Cientifico-Classe Comendador (the highest official recognition for science in Brazil). – Elected as Fellow
  • LIU, Shaw Chen (Taiwan, China): b. 26-4-1944. PhD, Distinguished Research Fellow, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China. Liu has made fundamental contributions in atmospheric chemistry, air pollution and climate change. Liu proposed a new hypothesis for the origin of tropospheric O3 that laid the foundation for its current understanding. Liu contributed significantly to the understanding of atmospheric aerosols and their impacts on atmospheric radiation and climate change. Member of the Academia Sinica, he has received the CTCI Science and Technology Award for Environmental Sciences and the NOAA Administrator Award. – Elected as Fellow
  • MBEDE, Evelyne Isaack (Tanzania): b. 24-04-1957. PhD, Associate Professor, Ministry of Communication Science & Technology, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Mbede has been active for over 20 years in research on volcanic zones and neoproterozoic glaciogenic diamicites of the Katanga supergroup of Central Africa, and changes in the activity of natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, as well as in providing service to communities living in seismically active areas (Rungwe and Oldonyo Lengai) of Northern Tanzania. Member of the Tanzania Academy of Sciences and of OWSD, she has won the University Prize as well as the University Trust Fund Prize. – Elected as Fellow
  • RUFFOLO, David (Thailand): b. 12-3-1968. PhD, Professor, Department of Physics, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Ruffolo has contributed significantly to classic transport equation for solar energetic particles (SEPs) and first precision modeling of relativistic SEP data. He explained SEP dropouts by solar wind turbulence and topological trapping and provided new theories of turbulent transport of energetic particles. Member of the Thai Academy of Science and Technology, he has received the Mahidol U. Top Citation Award and the Golden Eage Award of the American Academy of Achievement. – Elected as Fellow
  • SATHEESH, Sreedharan Krishnakumari (India): b. 1-5-1970. PhD, Professor, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Satheesh has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the impact of atmospheric aerosols on the radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system and climate and provided a new hypothesis to resolve the highly debated global issue of 'anomalous' absorption paradox. Fellow of all three Indian science academies, he has received the TWAS 2011 Prize in Earth Sciences, the START, INSA, WMO, SCOPUS young scientist awards, and the Rajib Goyal Prize in Physical Sciences, among others. – Elected as Fellow


08-Mathematical Sciences

  • LOPES, Artur Oscar (Brazil): b. 17-10-1950. PhD, Full Professor, Institute of Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Lopes has contributed to the existence of a measure of maximal entropy for a general rational map on the Riemann Sphere being widely cited in the literature of complex dynamics. He has contributed to the understanding of the phenomena of phase transition, polynomial decay of correlations for a class one-dimensional spin lattices and analytical expression for the pressure at transition parameter. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has received the National Order of Scientific Merit granted by the Brazilian government. – Elected as Fellow
  • PHAN, Quoc-Khanh (Vietnam): b. 2-9-1946. PhD, DSc, Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, International University of Hochiminh City, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. Considered in Vietnam as the country’s leading mathematician, Phan has discovered very deep results in the theory of optimization which unify all previous results on open mappings and which have led to new developments in the fields vector optimization, equilibrium problems and variational inequalities. He is member of the American Mathematical Society, Vietnamese Mathematical Society, South-East Asian Mathematical Society, International Working Group on Generalized Convexity/Monotonicity and the Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group. – Elected as Fellow
  • PHU, Hoang Xuan (Vietnam): b. 20-7-1956. Dr.Sc.Nat., Professor, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam. Phu has established the method of region analysis and the method of orienting curves for solving optimal control problems with state constraints and applied them to solve numerous relevant practical problems. He has also made significant contributions to the theory of generalized convexities and nonlinear optimization. A corresponding member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, he has won several awards and honours of Vietnam and the Universities of Leipzig and Heidelberg. – Elected as Fellow
  • SHESTAKOV (CHESTAKOV), Ivan (Brazil): b. 13-8-1947. PhD, D.Sc, Full Professor, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, IME-USP, São Paulo, Brazil. Shestakov is known as a leading expert in non-associative algebras. Shestakov confirmed the famous Nagata conjecture on the existence of wild polynomial automorphisms for which the E.H. Moore Research Article Prize of the AMS in 2007 was given. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has received the National Order of Scientific Merit from Brazil and the Medal for the best student scientific work from the URSS Academy of Sciences. – Elected as Fellow



  • BERKOVITS, Nathan (Brazil): b. 6-6-1961. PhD, Full Professor, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. Berkovits developed the pure spinor formalism for the superstring which allowed the covariant computation of multiloop superstring scattering amplitudes and covariant quantization of the superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. He constructed a consistent field theory action for the open superstring and a twistor-string action for d=4 super-Yang-Mills. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo, he has received the TWAS 2009 Prize in Physics and the Clay Mathematics Prize Fellow. – Elected as Fellow
  • FAZZIO, Adalberto (Brazil): b. 6-10-1950. PhD, Professor, Department of Materials and Mechanical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Fazzio has developed theoretical model to understand the behaviour of electronic and optical excitations of intra 3d elements in semiconductors. Ab-initio molecular dynamics calculations have addressed how nanowires are created and break, contributing to nanocatalysis. He has also contributed to theoretical work related to nanotube based gas sensors. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has received the Brazilian National Order of Scientific Merit twice. – Elected as Fellow
  • FONT, Anamaría (Venezuela): b. 29-9-1959. PhD, Professor, Department of Physics, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. Font has made important contributions in theoretical physics including high dimensional theories, duality symmetries and string theory. She is world expert on four dimensional aspects of string theory, well known for concept of S-duality in string theory. She has received the ICTP Prize in High Energy Physics and the Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury-Polar Foundation Prize. –Elected as Fellow
  • LEE, Shih-Chang (Taiwan, China): b. 25-5-1952. PhD, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, China. Lee led the Taiwan team in the CDF discovery of the top quark, in the ATLAS discovery of the Higgs-like particle and in the precision measurement of positron fraction spectrum in space by AMS. Member of the Academia Sinica, he has received the 2010 Enrico Fermi Award and the Chuang Shou Geng Prize. – Elected as Fellow
  • MALDACENA, Juan Martin (USA): b. 10-9-1968. PhD, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Natural Sciences, Princeton NJ, USA. Maldacena is known for his work on the guage/gravity duality or AdS/CFT correspondence, relating gravitational physics in a spacetime and quantum field theory on the boundary of the spacetime. This realizes the holographic principle which has implication for the resolution of the black hole information loss paradox. Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he has received the Milner Foundation Fundamental Physics Prize, the I.YaPomeranchuk Prize, the Abdus Salam ICTP Dirac Prize and the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, among others. – Elected as Associate Fellow
  • MATHUR, Deepak (India): b. 8-4-1952. PhD, Senior Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. Mathur is well known for his work in experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics covering multiply charged molecules, ultrafast molecular and cluster dynamics. His recent significant work using optical tweezer is related to trapping of normal and infected blood cells. Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Indian National Science Academy, he has received the S.S. Bhatnagar Prize, the N.S. Sathyamurthy Award and R.S. Krishnan and B.S. Mathur Memorial Lectureships, among others. – Elected as Fellow
  • SHEN, Bao-Gen (China): b. 15-8-1952. PhD, Professor and Director, State Key Laboratory for Magnetism, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. Shen is nominated for his innovative work on synthesis of novel magnetic materials with the giant magnetocaloric effect and high-performance permanent magnetic materials, and for his studies of a magnetocaloric effect for a first-order magnetic transition system, the coercivity mechanism in nanocomposite permanent magnets and the abnormal magnetic phenomena in metal-metal-based amorphous alloys. Member of CAS, he has won, among others, the First Class S&T Awards of Beijing twice, the Ye Qi-Sun Physics Award, and the 100 Talent Programme Award of CAS. – Elected as Fellow


10-Social and Economic Sciences

  • BASU, Kaushik (India): b. 9-1-1952. PhD, DLItt (hc). Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi, India. The analytical contributions of Basu, one of the leading developmental economists in the world, to industrial organization and microeconomics have been highly influential, and he pioneered a study of child labour that inspired and guided a substantial literature. The Traveler's Dilemma game that he developed is now a part of the standard discourse. He is also a Professor of Economics and C. Marks Professor of International Studies, Department of Economics, Cornell University, NY, USA. Member of the Royal Economic Society, he has been awarded with the civilian honour Padma Bhushan. – Elected as Fellow
  • HUANG, Jikun (China): b. 24-9-1962. PhD, Professor and Director, Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Huang’s papers on the biotech economy have been widely cited. His findings on rural development and poverty alleviation have become the major sources of China’s rural economy information to the global community. He has also developed China’s Agricultural Policy Simulation and Projection Model, (CAPSIM), recognized as a very sophisticated model, it is regularly used in policy analysis. He has won the 2008 Outstanding Contribution Award in Management Science in China, and China’s Agriculture S&T Award in 2007, to cite just two of many. – Elected as Fellow