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Exploring the impact of atmospheric aerosols

Exploring the impact of atmospheric aerosols

Apply by 10 May for a symposium and workshop on atmospheric aerosols and climate change organized by the CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence for climate research.

The CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence for Climate and Environment Sciences (ICCES) is organizing two international events – one in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – to advance scientific knowledge of atmospheric aerosols, improve the level of international education and collaboration, and encourage students to engage in related research.

The first event is the 18th CAS-TWAS-WMO International Symposium, "Aerosol and Climate Change: Observations, Modeling & Interactions", to be held 15-17 July in Beijing, China. That will be immediately followed by the "International Training Workshop on Atmospheric Aerosol: Observation, Modelling and Impact", to be held 18-20 July in Beijing.

The deadline for on-line registration is 10 May.

The quality of the air we breath has greatly worsened in the last two centuries, scientists observe, mostly due to the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution that began in the 18th century. Since then, the amount of atmospheric aerosol has markedly increased with an impact on climate events such as heat waves, droughts and flooding, and hurricanes. The two international events aim at creating global awareness and cooperation on this theme.

The symposium is sponsored and locally organized by ICCES and the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP/CAS).

The workshop is organised by ICCES, the Chinese Meteorological Administration's National Satellite Meteorological Center, and the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS).

For information, please contact: