There are still a few days left to send applications: the deadline is 2 March.
Application forms are available online.
The school will be held from 2 to 21 June in Trieste, Italy. It aims to provide students with the necessary concepts of coherent states, wavelets, functional analysis and group theory. Professor Romain Murenzi, executive director of TWAS, is among the local organizers, together with Stefano Luzzatto from ICTP.
To offer a wide-angle perspective on themes that have applications in physics, mathematics and also engineering, the school will cover topics that have undergone a dramatic development during recent years. Experts from Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark will move from basic aspects of mathematical analysis to up-to-date developments, covering both basic fields and innovative applications, including inverse problems and analysis of geophysical, astronomical or biological (genome) signals.
Scientists and students from all countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA may attend the school. A limited number of students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also welcome to participate. The courses will be conducted in English.
Get more information on the school and the programme. If you have questions, contact the organizers.