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Call opens for AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy

Call opens for AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy

Scientists and policymakers can apply to attend an in-person course in Trieste on the intersection of science and diplomacy

TWAS and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) have announced that their annual course on science diplomacy is open for applications.

This will be the 10th edition of the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy. The course includes lectures from leading experts and a workshop designed to demonstrate how science and diplomacy intertwine. It will take place in person in Trieste, Italy, from 19–23 June 2023. 

Look here to find full details on the application process and eligibility requirements, and to submit an application. The deadline to apply is 5 March 2023.

The science diplomacy training programme was established in 2014 through a partnership between TWAS and AAAS, and is among the leading programmes for training science diplomats in the world. It exposes scientists, policymakers, diplomats and others to science diplomacy concepts. It also explores key contemporary international policy issues related to science, technology, health and the environment. Attendees are enabled to build a skillset that paves the way for careers at the intersection of science and diplomacy. The programme is also partially funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

As part of a strategy to strengthen ties between scientists and policy experts, this year the course is specifically inviting applications from “participant pairs”—a scientist and a policymaker who live and work in the same country. Applicants in a “participant pair” should share a common interest in the areas of science, technology and innovation. However, it is not necessary that they have worked together in the past. Applications from developing countries will receive priority.

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