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Beijing: Engineering for sustainable development

Beijing: Engineering for sustainable development

A May symposium organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS will establish a platform for communication among engineers, scientists and policymakers.

From 28 to 30 May, the 2014 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Advanced Engineering Science for Sustainable Development (AES 2014) will convene in Beijing to explore how engineering sciences can propel sustainable development. The event is jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS). It is hosted by the CAS Institute of Process Engineering and the CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Green Technology.

The key idea underlying sustainable engineering is to use resources with respect for people and the environment, applying an interdisciplinary approach to address challenges and to support economic development and growth.

AES 2014 will convene influential experts from different nations, offering a broad perspective on topics that range from environmental engineering to nanotechnology and material engineering. It will also cover biology and biochemical engineering and green chemistry as well as the management of resources and policy. Special emphasis will be devoted to the importance of communication and cooperation among professionals from different fields and from both developing and developed countries.

The symposium also will offer attendees a valuable networking opportunity, while  providing industries with a stage to showcase their products.

The symposium is open to engineers, scientists, policymakers, business representatives, students and others. Early registrations, before 30 April, are welcome. The registration fee can be paid by bank transfer, telegraphic transferor or directly at the registration desk.

The symposium will be conducted in English.

Bai Chunli, president of CAS and president of TWAS, will be the honorary chairman. Among the invited speakers are distinguished scientists such as Jinghai Li, vice president of CAS; Roddam Narasimha, chairman of the Engineering Mechanics Unit at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India; and Robin D. Rogers, director of the Center for Green Manufacturing at the University of Alabama, USA.


Cristina Serra